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  1. Gurudev, you said not to hurt the ego of a man. But is that valid even when he hurts the feelings of his wife? How do I change his egoistic nature?

    Why do you want to change their nature? You change. When you change they may also change, or they may not change! We need to learn to see life from a broader perspective. Then things make much more sense to us.Why do we try to change people? ...
  2. Gurudev, the theory of creation in the scriptures seems to contradict the theory of evolution according to Charles Darwin. Could you talk about which one to believe?

    Which theory of creation that you are thinking is contradictory? Actually the whole world is just appearance. It appears to be so. You should read Yoga Vashishtha. You will get more idea about it. When you keep a spoon inside the water, half of t ...
  3. Gurudev, if love is our very nature, then why do we make one person as the object of our love? Why do we think that we love that one person the most?

    From birth we have known love to be directed from a person. Love gets personalized from birth. A child opens the eyes and looks at the mother and starts feeling that love. Association kindles the feeling of love inside of you. But when it matures you ...
  4. The World Of Gods

    Time and again we should lift our eyes away from the mundane. The nature of the mundane is that it just occupies you and swallows you completely. Small things can occupy your mind and your time. Simple things such as cooking, shopping, washing clothes, ir ...
  5. How can we control the mind?

    Through the breath. If you can control your breath then know that you can control your mind. Do pranayama and once you keep doing pranayama you will start gaining control on your mind. You cannot control the mind directly, it is not possible. When you l ...
  6. Gurudev, I understand that all religions are messengers of peace and divinity, then why does only Hinduism care for animals?

    There are many things you can wonder about different religions. You need to see the uniqueness in every religion and in every tradition. The uniqueness of any religion is a world heritage.Now, you should not forget that there are Jains who are tot ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, it happens often with me that when I think or say something, it happens immediately or after a while.

    This is what happens when you meditate. Whatever you think starts happening, or whatever is going to happen, those thoughts come to you. Before you need something, you already have it and that is a perfection, so you better ask for s ...
  8. Today you had tweeted an interesting article that consciousness creates this physical world. So many universes are being created through consciousness. How is this possible?

    Yes, there are multitudes of universes, one inside the other. Our brain is nothing but a frequency analyzer. Our perception is like keeping a radio needle on one particular frequency. If you move that (meaning if you change your perception) then another ...
  9. Be Understanding Of Others

    Gurudev, how to handle teenagers? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is an old Sanskrit proverb which says, ‘Praptetu shodase varshe, putram mitra vada chareth’. If your son or daughter becomes 16 years you should no longer be their parents, but you should becom ...
  10. Gurudev, how to handle teenagers?

    There is an old Sanskrit proverb which says, ‘Praptetu shodase varshe, putram mitra vada chareth’. If your son or daughter becomes 16 years you should no longer be their parents, but you should become their friend. You should b ...