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  1. Guruji earlier you said that the casual body has to wait for the divine will to get liberated. Does the presence of a Satguru in one’s life take care of that? You are the divine for me.

    You know always like the physical, the subtle and casual, all the three bodies get affected, definitely there is, But dropping the casual body that has its own time. That you don’t worry about it. Relax! ...
  2. Gurudev, when I meditate with you here, my experience is rock solid. Otherwise it goes pretty slow. Can I take this grace home with me, how can I feel you staying with me after this course?

    That’s why I keep coming back and that’s why this hall is been made. Keep coming back until you know. And its gradual growth, it is already there and continues. Even if I am not here you should sometimes come and sit here. Sometimes places and environment ...
  3. Dear Guruji, how can I live by divine will? My will is pretty strong and seems to over shadow the divine will quite often. Please bless me with your guidance.

    Just relax, when you’re here just relax and just be aware of your craving and your aversions. And see if you’re on this path over a period of time it is already reducing. It reduces and reduces and reduces, isn’t that happening already to you? How many of ...
  4. How can we know if we are suppose to get married and have a family or live life as a single person in service?

    It depends on your type, what you want to do. You choose, choice is yours and blessings are mine. There are challenges both ways, being single is also a challenge and being married is an even bigger challenge, that’s what I have heard. But one thing I want ...
  5. Dear Guruji, does the devotion to a person to a guru get carried on to his next life? And does an enlightened soul also have devotion to his guru? If not then I don’t desire enlightenment.

    Yes, devotion is your nature it won’t leave you. Devotion is abiding in your own nature. So like sweetness cannot leave sugar, the coolness cannot leave ice, the nature to flow does not leave water right! You can’t call it water and it does not flow. Simil ...
  6. Gurudev, when we die the body and breath are left behind and our mind, memory, soul are still together with the impressions. Do the intellect and ego also still stay with us? Can we use our intellect to calm our mind then?

    The impressions of the intellect and the cravings and aversions of the mind go with the subtle body. So when you die what happens is for sometime the soul is in confusion, it does not know. It has just come out of the body but it does not know what to do. ...
  7. Dear Guruji, I understand from your knowledge that we have not one but several bodies. Can you please talk about subtle bodies and casual bodies? I’ve heard about them but I don’t know how or what they are.

    Yes, physical body in the waking state. In the sleeping state physical body is at rest, the subtle is active; in the dreaming state and that is why you get dreams. In deep sleep both of these go to sleep but the causal body is still there awake, aware. And ...
  8. Gurudev, sages have predicted our lives so accurately on palm leaves, Nadi Vidya. Is there really any role that I have in my life when everything already seems so predetermined? How does the path of sadhana change anything?

    See life is a mixture of accepting what is and wanting to make what you feel like having. It’s a mixture of both. You have an intention in your mind and that’s how you move on. See, you had an intention to come here and you came. But if you look into the p ...
  9. Dearest Guruji, how do I know what is my dharma? And is it even important to know what it is?

    Yes, your dharma is your nature. It will be very easy for you and something will compel you from within to follow that, yes! Understand?! ...
  10. Gurudev, what is the relationship between free will and doer-ship?

    Doer-ship and freewill is connected. Doer-ship is when that ‘I’ is very strong, ‘I want to do it’ or ‘I do it’. The ego is very strong. So when you asserting your free will attach yourself to the achievements you have done, then you will find that your wil ...