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  1. Dearest Guruji, how do I know what is my dharma? And is it even important to know what it is?

    Yes, your dharma is your nature. It will be very easy for you and something will compel you from within to follow that, yes! Understand?! ...
  2. Guruji, what is the relationship between free will and doer-ship?

    Doer-ship and freewill is connected. Doer-ship is when that ‘I’ is very strong, ‘I want to do it’ or ‘I do it’. The ego is very strong. So when you asserting your free will attach yourself to the achievements you hav ...
  3. Could you speak on Yogamaya?

    Yogamaya is intuition clubbed with delusion. From inside as you proceed in the path of yoga, the more meditations you do, sometimes you get these visions and these visions would be 90% correct. Then you start believing in your own visions and then they ...
  4. Beloved Guruji, could you say something about the meaning of purnanava?

    ‘Nava’ means new, ‘purna’ means again. Making something new again, that is ‘Purnanava’, bringing new life, infusing newness. ...
  5. Could you speak on Yogamaya?

    Yogamaya is intuition clubbed with delusion. From inside as you proceed in the path of yoga, the more meditations you do, sometimes you get these visions and these visions would be 90% correct. Then you start believing in your own visions and then they all ...
  6. Beloved Guruji, could you say something about the meaning of Punarnava?

    "Nava" means new, "Puna" means again. Making something new again, that is "Punarnava", bringing new life, infusing newness. ...
  7. Prayer is an expression of the deepest anguish and or the deepest gratitude

    Montreal CanadaGurudev, does the soul choose to take birth at a certain time in history, planet, and consciousness or is it all random? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well planned, no random.Our thoughts tend to be about the future or past. If our mind is in the pr ...
  8. How can I experience life with the joy of an innocent child if a basic necessity like food, shelter, safety, relationship is missing from my life? The constant hunger keeps me from being joyful and I have no control over feeling the hunger.

    Oh! You are talking too many things, saying so many things. Everything is lacking, food, shelter, job, husband, my God! Just look at your own mind. When you were a baby you were fed, somebody took care of you. Or you provided everything for yourself? When ...
  9. Gurudev, I’m having a hard time going deep into meditation and lots of thoughts are coming to my mind. I’m not a coffee or tea drinker and I do my meditation in the morning, but still lots of thoughts come.

    Reasons for too many thoughts could be several. One is lack of enough circulation in the system. Do some vigorous exercise, run, go to gym, do some exercise. Then there is that little exhaustion, not too much. Less than half of your energy is spent on exer ...
  10. I’m learning about Astrology. What is it that we should first understand so it helps us progress faster in our spiritual growth?

    oh, yes, spiritual energy, spiritual power is stronger than astrology, just know that. If you believe that spiritual power is there and it’s much stronger than astrology, and it can change the course of astrology also. ...