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  1. Nimit- instrument of the divine

    When you are neither clear nor confused, only then can you be a perfect instrument of the Divine! How would an instrument know what is going to be, and when? How can an instrument be confused, and how can an instrument be clear! This state is called Nimit ...
  2. Don't make a mistake by pointing out mistakes!

    Do not tell a person a mistake he knows. What's the use of pointing out a mistake that he knows he has committed? By doing this, you will only make them feel more guilty, defensive or resentful and this will only create more distance. You should only ...
  3. Three kinds of love

    There are three kinds of Love. 1. The Love that comes out of Charm 2. That which comes out of comfort, and 3. Divine Love Do you see what I am saying? The love that comes out of charm does not last long. It comes out of unfamiliarity or out of attraction. ...
  4. Confidence with Humility: The Rarest Combination

    One of the rarest combinations in the human personality is the co-existence of confidence and humility. Often people who are confident are not humble and people with humility are not confident. Confidence blended with humility is most appreciated by every ...
  5. Respect and Ego

    There are two types of respect. Respect that comes to you because of your position, fame or wealth. This type of respect is impermanent. It can be lost once you lose your wealth or status. Respect that comes because of your virtues like honesty, kindness, ...
  6. 'Music, knowledge and silence are ingredients for development of the consciousness'

    Excerpts from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s talk at Ganesha Temple, New YorkThere are three essential ingredients for the development of consciousness - Music, knowledge and silence. Knowledge is logical understanding. With a few moments of silence practi ...
  7. Guru Purnima message by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Guru Purnima is the day of reflection. It is the New Year for a spiritual seeker; for one who is on the path. Just like you have the calendar New Year on 1st January every year, for a spiritual seeker, the New Year is on Guru Purnima.It is a day of reflec ...
  8. 'Just smile through. Take things as they come'

    What Gurudev said today:July 10, Vancouver, Canada:No technique really works (laughter). It is you who makes it work. That is called shraddha. Shraddha can be roughly translated as faith. When your intention and attention are there, manifestation happens. ...
  9. ‘Perfection in mind is keeping our mind in peace’

    What Gurudev said today Surrey, Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, July 9: Excerpts from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s talk at the Lakshmi Narayan Temple Our voices should be strong. The voice of truth and religion is weak. When the voice of violence is ...
  10. The Art of Living International Centre- service and spirituality

    At a young age just after his graduation, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar started receiving invitations from different parts of the world to give lectures on Vedic knowledge. He traveled to universities in Europe where he interacted with many scholars and pro ...