Our grassroots drive to empower women

Empowering women at the mental, social, and economic levels


Gender inequality fuelled by orthodox mindsets of the community



Galvanizing masses towards collective action  conducting skill-training for women



1.1 lakh+ women trained in vocational skills


In India, a girl child is often seen as a liability, leading to vile practices like sex-selective abortion and marriage of the girl in childhood. 

Educating a girl child is given a low priority as she is considered to take on the role of a homemaker after marriage. For this reason, women who wish to work in the economy have more challenges when trying to acquire a skill and thus securing money for their microbusiness becomes difficult. 

The Art of Living is passionate about empowering women and making them self-reliant. We use a multi-faceted approach to empower women. 

Our approach includes; providing skills training to women, educating communities on gender equality, providing women access to better healthcare,  and  building supportive platforms where women can collaborate and exchange ideas. And finally, we equip women with stress-reduction and self-confidence building tools.

The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. Infact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Our strategy includes:

Providing vocational training: We train rural women in different skills like stitching, cutting, embroidery, beadwork, for jute bags, and agarbatti (incense stick) rolling in order to become financially self-reliant.

Educating communities: We have educated people against the practice of sex selection and female foeticide in India, through campaigns like The Girl Child Campaign 2013 and The Act Now Campaign 2014.

Strengthening the individual: We teach women techniques to reduce stress, which strengthen them from within and help build their self-confidence.

Building a supportive community: We create a sense of community spirit to face similar challenges as a team rather than individually. We build platforms to exchange thoughts, collaborate, and give women a more powerful voice.

Providing access to health: We organise medical camps for disadvantaged women both in rural and urban areas.


10 lakh+


to protect the girl child


adolescent girls

trained in menstrual health and hygiene

1 Lakh+

people made aware

against gender tests


Self-Help Groups

(SHGs) formed

1.5 lakh

people sensitized

against child marriage in Bihar

1.1 lakh+

smokeless chulhas

distributed by 62 women entrepreneurs

Over 1 lakh

rural women

trained in vocational skills


medical camps

for sex workers in Sonagachi, Asia’s largest red-light area