Nauka = Boat, Asana = Posture or Pose

This yoga posture has been named after the shape it takes – that of a boat. Naukasana is prounced as NAUK-AAHS-uh-nuh.

How to do Naukasana

  • Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body.
  • Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet.
  • Your eyes, fingers and toes should be in a line.
  • Feel the tension in your navel area as the abdominal muscles contract.
  • Keep breathing deeply and easily while maintaining the pose.
  • As you exhale, come back to the ground slowly and relax.
  • It also forms a part of the Padma Sadhana sequence, where this yoga pose is practiced after Dhanurasana (Bow Pose).

Naukasana Video

Benefits of the Naukasana

  • Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
  • Tones the leg and arm muscles
  • Useful for people with hernia
  • Contraindications of the Naukasana – Boat Pose
  • Do not practice this yoga pose if you have low blood pressure, severe headache, migraine, or if you have suffered from some chronic diseases or spinal disorders in the recent past.
  • Asthma and heart patients are advised to avoid this pose.
  • Women should avoid doing Boat pose (Naukasana) during pregnancy and during the first two days of the menstrual cycle.
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