Parsva means side or plank; kona means angle; asana means posture. This asana is pronounced as paar-swa-konah-sanah, aka Extended Side Angle Pose.

How to do Parsvakonasana :

  • Stand straight with your legs about a meter-and-a-half apart.
  • Inhale and stretch hands out to both sides.
  • While exhaling, turn right foot to the right side bending your leg at the knee joint and move sideways till the right hand touches the ground outside the right foot; stretch the left hand straight forming a right angle.
  • Look up towards the elbow.
  • Hold the pose for five to ten breaths or about thirty seconds, and then return to the upright position.
  • Repeat on the other side. 

You may move sideways to this posture three to five times. Make sure your weight is balanced evenly on both feet.

Benefits of Parsvakonasana

  • It  is effective in controlling constipation
  • It is a good remedy for back pain 
  • It also strengthens the legs, knees, and ankles
  • It stretches the hamstrings
  • It tones abdominal muscles


  • The Parsvakonasana steps are best practiced under a guided supervisor, especially for those with high or low blood pressure.
  • Avoid in case of severe spondylitis.
  • Avoid when there is a headache. 
  • This posture energizes the body. So, those suffering from insomnia must avoid it at the end of the day. 
  • Don’t bring the knee past the foot as it can pressurize the knee.

You can do konasana/angle pose as a preparatory yoga pose before Parsvakonasana.

Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Sri Sri Yoga teacher. In case of any medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting a doctor and an Sri Sri Yoga teacher. Find an Sri Sri Yoga program at an Art of Living Center near you. Do you need information on programs or share feedback? Write to us at

Written with inputs from Meena Waghray, Faculty, Art of Living


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