She started out with a small shop, selling funky clothing. She added that she had a PhD – Passion, Hunger, and Drive. She has 10 shops now. One fine day, she wanted to change the world, decided to pack bags and go to Beijing and that's where she started a shopping mall for youth and young adults in a cultural square of Beijing. Now caters for 300 young people to rent a shop as entrepreneurs.
As technology came in, she started taking emails of the young people, and one fine day, she realised she had 20,000 emails. So she started a CRM - Customer Relationship Management system, which is where she stored all the data. They had 100,000 people on their database and were thusable to reach out, connect and know what the young people want through fashion.
Then people started asking for her products. She started e-Commerce. 
"So how can we use technology to change what we're doing today? I have seen young people, aged 13, 14, 15, with 20,000 people on their Twitter, if they say things in the right manner, people will follow them in the right manner. How can we use technology to our fullest potential? The opportunity is about sharing, learning it and implementing it in one's own country. I am very impressed with the Art of Living, I am very proud to be here, I've seen so many people doing so many things, but I wish we could share it on a technology platform where we women can transform the world," she added.

Sound Bites

  • Creativity is something within you, you always look for something new and people want change all the time.
  • Technology is an opportunity with which we can reach out to millions of people around the world.

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