In 2004 she was appointed as the Deputy Minister for Minerals and Energy. She then decided to find a niche for women and how women can come into mining and today12% of the mining industry in South Africa is made up of women and that is the beginning.
She set up the South African Women in Mining Association (SAWIMA), which enabled the women to organize and get the training in mining.
She came up with the Kimberly process which is recognized by the United Nations, which ensures that the countries that are part of the Kimberley process don't use diamonds to buy arms, don't use diamonds to feed coops, dictators and so on( called the BLOOD DIAMOND EFFECT). She campaigned all over the world, especially the USA, and promoted the Kimberly diamonds.
She then trained women in jewelry making and finding markets for them.
She felt that as women we have the responsibility to ensure that we have a strong grass-root women's movement. Her department is piloting the gender equality bill. 
She set up the techno-girls in her department. They train girls with private companies, including the mining and ICTs, companies in communications and construction so that girls can get into science and technology.

Sound Bites

  • As long as women are not into technology, technology will not compliment humanity. We must bring women on board as leaders, we'll have technology being used for pornography, for biological weapons, nuclear weapons, bombs, if women are there, we will not have these disasters.
  • We will add the spiritual touch to technology and compliment the human touch.

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