Women have more time in their lives and more hours in the day because there is technology at home. Home technology is the washing machines, cookers and everything that has allowed to gain more time in the day and then step out, and pursue careers, to be entrepreneurs, to be career women, and that has been such a blessing. In all of this what has happened is that dependence on technology has increased. That's because it has empowered women.
On the flip side technology, dictates moods and life. But one cannot let that happen as we need human values, human touch, the technology of spirituality. If you know how to control your mind, through your breath, you know you practise this yoga, you'll see that this makes a remarkable impact.
Sound Bites
- When we celebrate, we are in this high spirit then we can make large impacts, large changes from that consciousness-Didi said.
- We cannot move ahead without the technology of human values and human touch which has to be integrated. When it is integrated life is beautiful.
Theme Song
IWC 2012 Reflection