I Breathe Amman | Special YES!+ Workshop

Ramada Hotel - Gold Room | 28 Abdulla Bin Omar Street, Shmeisani
15th of May 2011 to 19th of May 2011

After "America Meditates", "I Meditate NY" and "Brazil Breathes for Peace", Comes "I Breathe" where hundreds of youth from 6 Arab cities will challenge themselves to new levels of personal empowerment and social transformation.

Join hundreds of youth (18-30 years) from 6 Arab cities getting empowered and sharing their vision for a peaceful society.

Visit the Website: Click here

Join us on Facebook: Click here

More about YES!+: Click here

YES!+ is a youth empowerment and skills training offering ancient Yogic breathing and meditation techniques, combined with dynamic fun interactive and challenging processes. YES!+ is a journey to excellence.



- Controlling mind and emotions
- Maintaining focus energy and enthusiasm
- Getting rid of negativity
- Managing doubts
- Transforming desires into action
- Managing time and relationships
- Special guest speakers
- Connecting with a worldwide network of youths
- Being the change you want to see



15 to 20 May 2011
Sunday to Thursday: 6:00PM-9:30PM
Friday: 2:00PM to 9:00PM



Ramada Hotel - Gold Room
28 Abdulla Bin Omar Street, Shmeisani


Free Discovery Session:

Sat. 7 May: 4:00 - 5:00PM
Sat. 14 May: 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Art of Living Center
Call to confirm: 079.6606746



Register at the Art of Living Center, Jabal Amman: #6 May Ziadah Street (2nd left after Khalidi Hospital)
00962.796606746 - artoflivingjo@gmail.com

Ramada Hotel - Gold Room,
28 Abdulla Bin Omar Street, Shmeisani, Amman, Jordan