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  1. What does faith mean in our daily life

    God does not wish you to have more faith because it will mean more work for Him. Then you will start to control Him and He will have to run behind you. God is the servant of faithful servants; He does not want too many servants telling Him what He should ...
  2. What is desire and how to manage them?

    All desires are for happiness. That is the goal of every desire, isn’t it? Yet how often does your desire lead you to the goal? Have you thought about the nature of desire? It simply means joy tomorrow and not now, doesn’t it? Joy is never tomorrow. It is ...
  3. How to deal with blame?

    When someone blames you, what do you usually do? You blame them back or you put up a resistance in yourself. How do you feel when someone blames you? Hurt, unhappy, sad, heavy? This is all because you are resisting! What you resist, persists. You get hurt ...
  4. Discovering inner strength

    Sanjaya, the youngest son of King Dhritarashtra had great inner vision, and he was an expert in seeing things happening far away. So, the king took his help to see what was happening in the Mahabharata war. That's the very first lesson of the Bhagava ...
  5. Secrets to a happily-ever-after relationship

    It's only through words that conflicts begin. It's only through words that people have fun, and it's only through words that people gain wealth. So, words should be used sparingly.  Usually when people have misunderstandings, they say, “Let ...
  6. 11 things to know before you get into a relationship

    Q: How do I know that I am in love, what are the signs? When you love someone you don't see anything wrong with them. Even if you see some fault in them, you justify the fault and say, "Well, everyone does it! It is normal". Then you think you have not do ...
  7. Is attachment healthy in a relationship?

    Attachments cause feverish breath. Feverish breath takes away your peace of mind. Then you are in pieces and fall prey to misery. Unfortunately most people do not notice this until it is too late. Before you get scattered too much, gather yourself together ...
  8. What breaks intimacy

    Taking a position, or ego Desires Expectations Insensitivity or too much sensitivity Judgments Taking intimacy for granted Finding imperfection in yourself or others Grumbling or lack of gratitude Lack of vivek or vairagya – discretion or dispassion Intima ...
  9. How do we get rid of unpleasant memories?

    Memory make you miserable or wise. Memory of experiences and events in the ever-changing world – however good or bad – constrict the vastness of the Self. They bind you. Memory of your nature – the non-changing Self – expands and elevates awareness. This l ...
  10. What does it mean to sacrifice

    Sacrifice is letting go of something that you are holding on to or that you are attached to - giving up something that gives you pleasure for something bigger that would bring good. Sacrifice brings strength in life. Life without sacrifice is stagnant. Sacrifi ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More