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Tired of Allergies and Sinusitis? Try Jal Neti- Yoga For Clearing Your Sinuses
Spring is going to be here soon, so are the dreaded allergies… Spring is beautiful, but it's also a key time of year for seasonal allergies. As plants release pollen, millions of people with hay fever start to sniffle and sneeze. But spring is not ju ... -
Weekly Wellness Roundup: December 31st- January 4th
By Paige Leigh Reist┃Posted: January 04, 2019 Welcome to 2019! During the first stretch of the New Year, we are filled with ambition and purpose, and our goals seem easy, within reach, and exciting and pleasurable to work towards. But how can you maintain ... -
Sick of Fighting off Winter Colds? Breathe Easy: The Health Benefits of Meditation Include Increased Immunity
By Sejal Shah | Posted: January 14, 2019 Winter is in full swing! While temperatures continue to drop, sneezing, sniffling, running nose, and many other symptoms of common colds and coughs are on the rise. It seems like every other person in the office an ... -
“An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure," Then What Blocks Us from Healthy Living in Our Daily Lives?
By Nikita Singh | Posted: January 14, 2019 We've all grown up hearing the phrase 'An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.' From our school days, when we were told to gulp down that glass of milk and eat an 'apple a day,& ... -
Weekly Wellness Roundup: January 14- 18
By Paige Leigh Reist | Posted: January 16, 2019 Do you feel totally overwhelmed by spiritual, emotional, and physical clutter? Sifting through all of the distractions to find your inner calm is much more simple than you might believe. This week’s Wellness ... -
Feeling Under the Weather? Try These 5 Natural Ways to Fight Depression and Anxiety
By Shalini Parekh┃Posted: February 14, 2019 “No mud. No lotus”. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh drew this metaphor from yogic texts. The lotus flower grows only in muddy, murky water. When it transcends these bleak and ugly conditions, it blossoms into one of ... -
Weekly Wellness Roundup: Feb 18th-22nd
By Paige Leigh Reist┃Posted: February 21, 2019 There is so much conflicting information out there about the best ways to be healthy and happy. Wellness is one of the most popular industries of the modern age, which means that there’s always a constant inf ... -
The Power and Importance of Sleep: How to Sleep Well All Night for a Sharper Mind and a Longer Life
By Pavithra Devanira | Posted: September 25, 2018 One evening, back in 2011, as I was getting back home from work, I blacked out near the elevator of my apartment. I was woken up a few minutes later, uninjured, by a little kid who nudged me to ask if I wa ... -
Iron Deficiency In Pregnancy: 10 Natural Ways to Replenish Your Iron Levels to Protect Yourself and Your Baby from its Harmful Effects
By Nikita Mayuresh | Posted: September 15, 2018 Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and challenging phases in a woman's life. You need to be physically as well as mentally equipped to deal with the roller-coaster ride of hormones, bodily changes, ... -
5 super brain yoga exercises to boost your gray matter
Every day after you wake up, the health of your body sets the tone for the day. Any ailment in the body can put a damper on your enthusiasm and become a hindrance inperforming daily tasks. There are many yoga asanas that can help you stay healthy physical ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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