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yes+ testimonial 5
M.Tech 2 year I did The YES!+ course from ART OF LIVING FOUNDATION in Sept 2006.It has been the greatest thing I ever did. Coming to IIT for an M.Tech. I was really thrown into a serious mess, where I was unable to cope up with the high standards of profe ... -
yes+ testimonail 4
Dual Degree 5 yr (Mechanical Engineering) I did my YesPlus course just after 2nd year at IIT Bombay. If I have to list down the top five things which I got from the course they would be: being more comfortable with myself. Improving communication skills. ... -
yes+ testimonial 3
MTech, MicroElectronics, EE dept., During the course, I learnt quite a few subtle things and some obvious things which I had overlooked till now. For example: Simplicity in thinking. How, being committed brings out the best in me. How can I be more effect ... -
Yes+ Testimonial2
Ph.D. Computer Science, IIT Bombay Focus and concentration are the key elements of success in any research work. The mind needs to be active as well as calm and cool to get the desired research output. By regularly practicing the techniques taught in the ... -
Yes+ Testimonial1
Ph.D. Maths, IIT Bombay. I did my Yes!+ course in October 2006 and it was an amazing experience!! After doing this course I am able to handle my emotions better. I am very relaxed and simultaneously focused on whatever I am doing. Before the course I lack ... -
The Syllabus
Day 1: The Art of Listening “A good listener is always a good speaker and later on he will become a good leader”. Most of the time we find ourselves in trouble and confusion because we do not listen; we hear but do not listen. Learn the different types of ... -
The story of YES!+
The period between 18-25 years is a crucial phase of life when the personality is developed, molded and groomed. It is also a phase of curiosity and vulnerability prone to confusion, turbulence and stress. Those above 18 want to be 18 again, while all tho ... -
YES!+ Testimonial 6
Harvard University The Yes+ Course made me very conscious of my thought patterns, and conscious of a sense of self that exists independent of those thoughts and different moods. It made me calmer, more reflective, more observant, and more stable-I enjoyed ... -
YES!+ Testimonial 5
Senior, Harvard University The practices taught on YES!+, especially the Sudarshan Kriya, pulled together all the different threads of my life creativity, introspection, deep thought, and joy. I feel centered and powerful, knowing that I have the energy a ... -
Cornell Testimonial 1
Junior, Cornell University My experience on YES+ was wonderful and unique, almost unexplainable. The things taught made everything seem clearer, simple, and less hectic. It ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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