Watch video of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's message to the students below.
Report by OD bureau; Cuttack: Come 5 PM of 31st July, 2012, Sri Sri University is organising the Installation Ceremony of Charter batch MBA students of General Management, Entrepreneurship and Agri-Business at Sri Sri University Campus in the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) with the Blessings of spiritual leader Guruji Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Dr.Prasant Kumar Sahu, Vice Chancellor, Utkal University , Commissioner cum Secretary , Dept. of Higher Education is the Chief Guest; Prof. Braja M. Das, Dean Emeritus , California State University, Sacramento, USA and Mr.A.K.Sabat, CA and Public Speaker are the keynote speakers for that function. Dr Braja M Das has the unique distinction of being one of the best Soil Engineers of the World who is a son of Odisha; his Engineering books have been translated to 24 languages of the world and he is reportedly the highest selling author of Engineering books published by Cengage Learning, which in USA is known as Thompson Learning. Presently he is appointed by the World Bank to give solution to river resource harnessing issues both for France and India for which he is in visit to Paris and New Delhi. Mr A K Sabat is no stranger to Odisha either as a prolific speaker, consummate tax practitioner and philanthropic accounts professional with utmost domain integrity. Dr.A.L.Rao , President and Dr.K.C.Mishra, Vice Chancellor, Sri Sri University are the hosts for the event.
Continuing with Sri Sri University passion & quest for unique educational ventures, SSU has conceptualized, planned and ready to implement a Business Administration echo system, which will redefine India’s sustainable and ethical management landscape. The curriculum and methodology are promised to be Modern & Contemporary in one hand but stuffed with ancient wisdom and eastern ethos on the other. This duality will embark onto a journey less traversed in business success. It is insanity to repeat the same thing but expect different results. SSU plans to move in less travelled path, often creating its own path to take students into the exclusive world of discerning future and create the eclectic effect for new global enthusiasm and zest for living in harmony.
SSU has created infrastructure in a terrain with deep gorges and uneven topographic conditions with utmost conservation of virginity of the hill near BidyadherPur adjacent to Kathjodiriver in Cuttack,Odisha. It brings into mind the ancient universities of India like Nalanda and Rajgir’sJivakambavana. The upcoming architecture is defined by an Ashram look up, with which is associated the fortification, a complex of cyclopean walls that runs with large breaks along the crest of the hill and promising to spill over to the slopes and toes of the hill. Faculty of Management Studies is defined by a piece of art in the northern entrance of the campus and next to the place, popularly known as Guru Kutir.
The urge to know has been a part of human consciousness forever. Creating institutions is a well-known passion of Guruji Sri SriRavishankar. The university is a multi-hued promotion experiment, where contributions are welcome from all those who have urge to participate in one of the most ambitious project for higher education development shooting from the soils of Odisha. The State Government in its role as facilitator has provided the platform for this revolution in the making, early signs of which are discernible both by way of efforts and results.
There is a mystical joy in discovering what was tucked away for so long from this state of Odisha, the story being told in Sri Sri University pages is not only of a rare and precious breed, but also of a renaissance of Higher Education. Perhaps the story may serve as a point of departure for the generation's own calibration of the inscrutable relationship between price & value of higher education. The choice of the faculty members replicate plain living and high thinking of Satyabadi’sBakulBana era initiated by UtkalmaniGopabandhu Das of which the Vice Chancellor of the University was a student. The University seeks to immortalize those moments of Shastrivian confidence as a humble prime minister who galvanized the nation by his four soft words “Jai Jawan, Jai Kissan”. Providing managers to undermanaged sectors will be one of the priorities of the university, reveals Kailash Mishra who has the intrinsic passion to put the impossible together & strikes with his swagger and an eagerness to rebuke what is known as Hindu Rate of growth. There was a time in the mid years of twentieth century when anything that breaks easily was dubbed as Japanese product but Japan had a technical and patriotic movement to change it all. A time came when anything of quality and high endurance got identified with Japan. Let Hindu Rate of growth be the breakaway disruptive growth world is waiting for, assorts Kailash Mishra, the Vice Chancellor. Sri Sri University is blessed with a set of corporate governors drawn from various walks of life, some by statute but mostly by choice of Guruji Sri sriRavishankar. The President to represent Guruji Dr A L Rao was at the helm of Wipro as its second employee when Wipro was formed who rose to occupy the second position in AjimPremji’s famous company.
The Faculty of Management Studies begins with General Management, agricultural Business and Entrepreneurship with around sixty students drafted from all over India. During the academic year the university has submitted plans to state government and regulators to start the departments such as Sri SriNatya Academy, Yoga and Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Faculty for Governance Studies and VedVigyanMahavidyalaya. It is already running an institution aptly known as Vidya(CSTC) in collaboration with L&T under their corporate social responsibility mission to train underprivileged and unemployed youth to obtain gainful employment in various trades and vocations. All students trained so far upto 8th batch are placed by the goodwill of the collaborator.
This exclusive university has a signature of Gurudev’s profound aesthetic sensibilities and his irreducible appetite for innovation while keeping the life simple. The spiritual moorings will create a class of students which the world will love to work with. The university opens a window onto a world of success without stress, distinguished by a rather charming obsession, celebration of life. It is crafted with precision, grit & endless passion and will certainly be hailed as an enduring object of Higher Education.