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  1. APEX course Testimonial 2

    It is an excellent program which teaches us to live life king size. Attendance in few such programs will definitely help to improve the quality life. ...
  2. Bringing Stress Release Techniques to the World Health Organization

    Corporate Leadership Workshops for WHO Employees in India   Highlights: 98% of the participants (from the second batch) rated their experience of the program as excellent/good. 93% of participants rated the program as Excellent / Good in terms of  long-te ...
  3. Courses Testimonial28

    The criminal defense and death penalty litigation work we do in our office is very high pressure and filled with stress.Because the stress level of the job affects our health and effectiveness at work, our office has sponsored several different stress man ...
  4. Courses Testimonial27

    It will definitely impact the way I’m going to live the rest of my life. ...
  5. Courses Testimonial26

    Each and every participant was thrilled, and in fact, I have seen a remarkable change. we rate this program 11 on 10. ...
  6. Courses Testimonial25

    The performance of our staff has remarkably improved which also showed in the business results and the way we met our targets. ...
  7. Courses Testimonial24

    I would recommend this course to any management team wanting to make significant improvements in their effectiveness.The ideas and principles taught are universal and valuable to any management organization. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More