How meditation can heal you

"In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam – it is very powerful and healing can happen." - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

With such a powerful practice at hand, let’s look into just what meditation does for you.


Meditation increases your prana or life energy

You gain prana through meditation. Prana is the very basis of health and well-being. It makes you alert and energetic. Meditation also helps you discover a new dimension. This will help develop a calmer and more positive attitude in life.


Regular practice of meditation heals the body

You will, generally, find the root of illness in your mind or consciousness. Practicing guided meditation for self-healing will help ward off stress and anxieties. Your consciousness expands and you enter a positive state of mind. This passes on to the physical body - brain and nervous system, keeping you healthy.


Meditation is an essential tool on the spiritual journey

What is the meaning of life? Is there a purpose? Why am I here? What is love? What is knowledge? Have these questions crossed your mind? If they have, you are fortunate! Your spiritual journey has begun, undoubtedly. The fact is, you cannot find the answers to these questions only in books. Meditation can help you delve into them though.


Meditation is useful to heal the world

When there is a fire in the room, the heat is not restricted to the fire, but spreads all around.  Similarly, if you are unhappy or depressed, you tend to spread it to the whole environment. Meditation also has the same effect, but it is a positive force. It nullifies the negative vibrations in the environment, thereby creating harmony all around. Meditation and Sudarshan Kriya have transformed the aggression and violence in people to compassion and caring.


Meditation heals your chakras

Chakras are energy points in the body. There are seven chakras, each with its own vitality. It can influence different aspects of our emotional well-being. By activating the chakras using  the guided meditation for chakra healing you can start your self-healing process.

How does meditation help in healing?

Studies from reputed institutes have shed light on how meditation heals the body.

  1. Research at the University of Massachusetts Medical School showed that regular practice of meditation helped- reduce heart diseases by 45%, lower high blood pressure by 43%, reduce cholesterol levels significantly, slow down the ageing

  2. Breath-based meditation like Sudarshan Kriya and yogic breathing can help promote self-awareness and relaxation. They also have the potential to support better integration of the brain with other organs. This can lead to enhanced human performance.

  3. Meditation helps develop emotional regulation.It improves your response to stress and anxiety and helps control depression.

  4. It can help reduce stress by keeping you in the present moment. After all, only when you rue the past and worry about the future are you anxious.

  5. Meditation leads to enhanced sensory perception. By shutting out everything external for a short while, you start experiencing with an enhanced awareness.

  6. Studies have shown that the benefits of meditation last longer than the time you spend for meditation.


Breathing-based meditation for healing

Sudarshan Kriya is the cornerstone of The Art of Living programs. You can use this breath-based meditation to heal yourself. It helps:

  • Oxygenate every cell of the body.
  • Flush out negative emotions from the body.
  • Release tension, frustration, and anger.
  • Relieve anxiety, depression, and lethargy.

You can also try Sahaj Samadhi Meditation (SSM). It is a simple technique that boosts your energy levels and connects you with your inner being.

Just remember to balance your practices with the right diet. You will then have the best prescription for healing yourself physically and mentally.

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Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More