Creating a peaceful society


Since early 2005, The Art of Living has been playing a proactive role to find an amicable solution to the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, by trying to engage all parties concerned, including the government, parliamentarians and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The Art of Living has initiated several peacemaking initiatives in the troubled island nation, that has witnessed ethnic violence for more than 25 years.

Gurudev seeks to help bring peace back to Sri Lanka and help self-exiled Sri Lankan Tamil refugees return to their country where they can lead dignified lives. "In Sri Lanka, our focus has been on opening up channels of communication and facilitating meaningful dialogue between the government and LTTE," said Sri Sri during his visit to Sri Lanka.

"We will continue our efforts and do whatever is needed till peace is achieved, as the safety of humanity is the main concern", said Gurudev on October 30, 2006.

Peace Mission

Gurudev meets war refugees

Gurudev visited Sri Lanka in April 2009 on a three-day peace mission, where he travelled to the war zones to bring hope to as many of the 150,000 displaced Tamils as possible. During that visit, President Mahinda Rajapakse met Gurudev. Gurudev also conveyed his desire for the internally displaced people to quickly return to their homes to the President.

"To see people beg for basic life necessities like food, water and clothes would make any heart bleed," said Gurudev.

Peace Conference

Conference to explore ways of reconciliation

The previous year, in 2008, The Art of Living and the International Association for Human Values (IAHV) co-organized a conference in Norway, titled, Peace And Reconciliation in South Asia – Challenges and Opportunities, which:

  • Directed public attention to the crisis in South Asia
  • United representatives from South Asia, as well as Western experts, and those who have been involved in mediation efforts in the region, to facilitate the dialogue that is necessary for peace and explore novel approaches to bring lasting security, stability, development and peace
  • Explored long-term possibilities for the creation of a new security mechanism in South Asia

This conference was organized in the wake of his mission of peace in 2006 when, at the peak of hostilities, Gurudev visited Killinochchi, the district headquarters of the LTTE where he interacted with senior leaders. Gurudev also met with 80,000 Tamils in Jaffna and later visited several refugee camps, bringing solace and a message of hope for a lasting peace to those whose lives have been disrupted by the conflict.

Building Ties

Buddhist-Hindu ties to further global peace

Prominent Buddhist leaders in this primarily Buddhist country also met with Gurudev, building a positive relationship between the Hindu and Buddhist communities. Following this visit, together with the Mahabodhi Society he convened the Vedanta and Buddhism: Bringing Global Peace conference in 2008, exploring the faith-based resources and values offered by the two ancient religions of Buddhism and Hinduism in the setting of contemporary social and political problem-solving for peace and development in South Asia.


Dialogue as a tool of peace

These efforts have united parties with a stake in Sri Lankan peace to work out agreements on the discussion table rather than on the field of battle. Through these dialogues, Gurudev and The Art of Living have been resolving conflict, building positive relations and using mediation as an alternative to violence.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar met over 400 Sri Lankan Tamils in Switzerland. He conducted a guided meditation for 20 minutes.