Art of Living Sri Lanka launches ` What`s the good word? ` Educational game for youth

1st of Nov 2011 to 31st of Dec 2012

Art of Living Sri Lanka launches ` What`s the good word? ` Educational game for youth

A unique program that fires-up the imagination of school and college students in the Island nation

Relax the mind. Sharpen the intellect. Shoot your vocabulary skills. This is the credo and logical step that school and university students in Sri Lanka will experience in the country`s   first ever `What`s the good word? ` Youth game that puts to test students` English vocabulary in a playful setting.

The Autumn – Winter Season 1 of the `What`s the good word? ` game commencing in November 2011 will feature students from the country`s top schools and colleges vie for the coveted title.

Conceived by the Art of Living Foundation Sri Lanka`s  Youth Empowerment  Seminar (YES)  Program Director Vidyut Udiaver,  this program is to educate students  on the key insight that relaxing the mind with either meditation, yoga and breathing techniques  can produce  a razor-sharp intellect  for superb results.  

Speaking on the sidelines of an Art of Living workshop,   Program Director Vidyut says “Youth love challenges. This educational game program `What`s the good word? ` exactly does that …….an exciting and enriching  English vocabulary testing  game that aims to make English learning important yet playful  and  is  in line with the Sri Lankan Governments  declared policy of  strengthening  English as a link language between Sinhala  and Tamil  and  to encourage  the correct use of English” .    

All participants in the `What`s the good word game? ` Will be offered a choice to learn simple breathing techniques to relax the mind and sharpen their intellect and then be placed in a level-playing field to shoot their vocabulary skills.  Students will also get an opportunity to experience for themselves the difference between being relaxed and responding in high pressure situations as opposed to just reacting with a confused mind.

This program is billed to be a creative curtain-raiser to the Year of Yoga Worldwide campaign commencing in December 2011 to raise awareness among students and youth on the intellect-nourishing role of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques.