Sri Lanka's unique tribute to the 30 years of Art of Living

1 Dec 2011 to 31 Dec 2012

Sri Lanka's unique tribute to 30 years of Art of Living

When an Island celebrates Yoga, even continents join in!

Sri Lanka is all set to create a refreshingly new experience with the art and science of yoga. The Year of Yoga Worldwide (December 2011-December 2012) is an incredible tribute from Sri Lanka to commemorate the 30 years of Art of Living's humanitarian service led by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

The World Culture Festival held in Berlin on July 2, 2011 heard Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar say, "Whatever the circumstances are, we will continue to serve the world as one human family with differences. It is time to celebrate the differences and celebrate life on this planet. With all the volunteers, we are sure we can create a stress-free, violence-free society for our children." The Year of Yoga Worldwide is inspired by this very vision.

For 30 years now, The Art of Living has been in the forefront of delivering the best of yoga programs and humanitarian service initiatives reaching out to over 30 million people in over 150 countries.

The Year of Yoga Worldwide will include educational exhibitions, town-hall workshops, awareness camps, lec-dems (lecture cum yoga demonstrations), presentations of yoga case studies and fact-sheets. Campaigns on healthy food, lifestyle and habits, health, spiritual wisdom, environment and ayurveda are also to be showcased in several countries to mark the year.

The theme of the Year of Yoga Worldwide is also expected to cater to the needs of several people across continents including families below poverty-line, rural youth, internally displaced people, refugees and prison inmates, students, police, armed forces and corporate executives, amongst others.

Several international health organizations and health brands are also expected to come together to endorse the status of yoga as a life-supporting science. Impetus to research and development initiatives on yoga and breathing techniques will also find high emphasis in the calendar of events.

Moreover, yoga beginners and enthusiasts will get to experience Yoga at the Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter Yoga Festival scheduled during the year in several regions. Some of the unique programs in the Festival include Sri Sri Natya – Yoga with dance, Yoga and Meditation, Food for Yogis, Laughter Yoga (Hasya Yoga), Subtle Yoga (Sukshma Yoga), Yoga and Ayurveda, Yoga and Breath, Yoga for Women, Yoga and Creativity and exclusive yoga modules for various health imbalances and conditions.

The life-supporting science of yoga as delivered by The Sri Sri Yoga nourishes the very root and basis of human life – the prana (life force) to promote health. Unique and effective breathing techniques such as the Sudarshan Kriya and Kanishta Pranayama are just some of the many offerings that people will get to experience in the World Yoga Festival and the innumerable events scheduled in the Year of Yoga Worldwide. So, come and experience the change that Yoga brings!

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