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  1. Trust

    The entire world lives on trust. Every aspect in life moves with trust. ...
  2. Still More Doubt

    In order to trust, you must first understand your doubt. You doubt yourself, and you doubt people around you. And then you doubt in the existence of God. ...
  3. Doubt

    Just examine, what do you doubt? You always doubt in something good---whether it is in you or in someone else. ...
  4. Conditional Love

    We try to hold on to people. Even when we love, we love with a condition: "See I love you, so you must love me in return." ...
  5. Compassion

    When we recognize somebody's mistake, if we don’t feel compassion for them, then definitely feel anger, and this anger becomes hatred. ...
  6. Breath is the Link

    Breath is the link between your body, your spirit and your mind. ...
  7. Criticism & praise

    “Praise may not be true, and sometimes criticism may be, but we still long for praise. Accept criticism as gleefully as praise. ...
  8. Bliss

    For one who has awakened in knowledge, there is no more suffering. The world appears completely different. For him every inch of this creation is filled with bliss, is a part of the Self.   ...
  9. Beauty

    When your mind is not complaining, and you are responsible, courageous, confident and hollow n empty, you are inexplicably beautiful. ...
  10. Abundance

    Abundance is a state of mind within you. If you just look at "lack," the lack increases in life.See what you have, and then abundance increases. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More