This Christmas, Silent Charity is the new attitude to giving

31st October 2011

An initiative of The Art of Living, Sri Lanka

The act of giving in charity may sometimes catapult the mind to expect something in return. A whole gamut of expectations snowball in the mind - to gain some good merits or karma, fulfillment of a long-cherished wish, recognition and fame or maybe simply wanting a special place in heaven!

Whenever charity is made on a condition there will always be dissatisfaction, because the condition cannot be fulfilled. Giving without a condition brings deep contentment and true freedom, because there is no reason to be dissatisfied! This is the insight on which the Silent Charity initiative took shape.

This Christmas season, Silent Charity is a whole new attitude and awareness campaign to be launched by the Art of Living Foundation in Sri Lanka for people to look at a new attitude to giving in charity – to serve and give without expecting anything in return. Without any strings attached.

Volunteers at The Art of Living in Sri Lanka were inspired to launch the Silent Charity campaign in appreciation of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s wisdom and initiatives of charity worldwide for over 30 years.

Whenever you give and you enjoy it, that very giving is simply an end unto itself. In effect, this is the new attitude to charity that Art of Living Sri Lanka is set to promote and inculcate island wide.

Several events and online campaigns are scheduled to begin next week. To lend more elegance to the attitude of serving or giving in charity. Silently.

The Art of Living Foundation in Sri Lanka is a registered charity operating two children’s homes for the less privileged. Those who wish to make a Silent Contribution for the upcoming Christmas Season may write in confidence to