Art of Living busts stress for Slovenian Police

25th September 2008

Study reveals that personnel better equipped after the course

BANGALORE: Amidst rising incidences of suicides and depression among police and para-military forces, a new study has shown that Art of Living techniques could provide the cure. A recent evaluation of Slovenian Police personnel who have undergone the ‘anti-stress’ programme of the Art of Living revealed that they were better equip to handle stressful situations on job. The evaluation was carried out by the Personnel Service and Sector for Health Care and Occupational Safety in cooperation with the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security.

The findings, which were published in the Varstvoslovje Journal, revealed that nearly 60 per cent of the respondents found the programme very useful in brining harmony to their work life and enhancing their personal life. “The participants received a tool that they can use to reduce stress,” the journal wrote. The participants reported that the knowledge they received in the programme had a direct effect on their stress levels and they felt relaxed after using the techniques.

Apart from stress reduction techniques, the respondents said the programme taught them how to let ting go of burdens, how to establish balance and maintain it and the importance of being calm, relaxed and focused. They reported that the programme helped them the most in harmonising situations that indirectly affect the quality of work, in my attitude towards co-workers and improving communication.

The journal also commented that the programme was a more than adequate component within the scope of psycho hygienic activity in the Slovenian Police Force and would be applicable in other security agencies as well.

The anti-stress programme for police officers was introduced in 1998 as a part of the prevention model of psycho hygienic activity in the Slovenian Police Force. The evaluation was conducted after six anti-stress programmes using a questionnaire. Encouraged by the positive findings, a decision was taken to continue with the Art of Living programme. So far, more than 350 police personnel have undergone the programme.