Two USA cities announce Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Days

24th April 2010

Bangalore: Two USA cities, Denver and Milwaukee, have announced April 20, 2010 and April 23, 2010, respectively as Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Day, in honour of Gurudev’s humanitarian and spiritual contributions worldwide.The two cities join twelve other USA cities that have earlier proclaimed Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Days.The proclamations were signed by Mr. John Hickenlooper, the Mayor of Denver and Mr. Tom Barrett, the Mayor of Milwaukee.

The honor comes as Gurudev is on a 12-city, 21-day tour to the USA. On April 23, Gurudev addressed the management and the employees of Target Corporation, one of the largest retailers in the USA, at their headquarters in Minneapolis.The event was organized by the Asian Business Council and was attended by over 600 people, where Gurudev spoke on the importance of having a sense of belongingness with one’s organization.Earlier on April 14, Gurudev had inaugurated a new Art of Living Centre in Los Angeles – an erstwhile Church, now rededicated to Art of Living.