
Create the change
you want to see

The Art of Living enables one and all to contribute through various means - be it financially or through innumerable seva projects, both in urban and rural India.

If the money one donates is to bring a smile on a child’s face or relief to the one in dire need of support and care, it’s money well spent.

This is an invitation to share your time and skills, for the only prerequisite is your inclination and drive to create change.

You can either build a house with your own hands or give the gift of clean drinking water to those for whom water is a luxury. Else, if teaching is your forte, you can teach at one of our tribal schools (over 118 in total) located all over the country or work at the grassroots level and help communities become self-reliant and empowered.

Ideate… share, for when you share, you receive. In you wish to donate, click here.

To know more about volunteering, contact:


„The Art of Living“ Lietuva


El. paštas:
Tel.: +37065777531  Kotryna


Komercinė veikla

UAB "Naujas požiūris"

Įmonės kodas: 303144635
PVM mokėtojo kodas: LT100010393310
Adresas: Kalvarijų g. 130-6, Vilnius
Sąskaita kursams apmokėti:



Labdaros veikla

Baltijos "The Art of Living" labdaros ir paramos fondas

Įmonės kodas: 300656616
PVM mokėtojo kodas: LT100004155110
Adresas: Kazliškių 19-27, 09204 Vilnius

Banko sąskaita: LT327300010107507393