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  1. Gurudev, in the land of Rajasthan, valor and values hold a very high place. However the youth today are forgetting this and are getting influenced by western thinking. How can we preserve the Indian values in them?

    Definitely, these values should be preserved! If you go for anything western, you will have to come back to the roots in India eventually. Today, even foreigners are turning towards India. They want to know about Indian culture, they want to marry acc ...
  2. Gurudev, today’s youth either want to sit before a computer, or want to watch TV, or want to go for parties. Where else can we encourage them to divert their energy?

    It is okay if they want to do these things, there is no problem, but they should also get involved in working for the society. The youth need to participate in the task of awakening the people of this country. The youth should wake up and come forward; the ...
  3. have a difficulty in concentrating, not just in studies, but in everything. What should I do?

    Do pranayama. Talk to a YES/ART excel teacher. They will teach you how to focus. ...
  4. Gurudev, I am working as a lecturer. A few students take advantage of me as I am a teacher with visual impairment. They talk or eat in the class while I teach. How should I control them?

    First of all, understand that it is not just because you are visually impaired that they are doing that. Even teachers who can see them are also getting into the same trouble! In fact, students are much softer with you. Other teachers and professors, they ...
  5. What is the best advice to give to young children?

    God has given you the greatest gift, your smile. Don’t let it be dropped by the adults. Maintain it when you grow old also. So, deepen your roots and broaden your vision. Life is like the tree. The roots are old but the shoots are new. Life needs to b ...
  6. Today’s youth are into sense-pleasures and have a lot of western influence. What are your thoughts about it?

    Once they get a taste of this beautiful knowledge, they will not find any juice in those small pleasures. We have not presented this knowledge in an interesting way to them. That is the reason they are drawn towards intoxication. They turned towards wester ...
  7. Jai Gurudev, how should I improve my math at school?

    Do you watch too much television? (Answer: Yes) Just watch for only one hour a day. No too much television, and do you eat vegetables? (Answer: No) You must eat more veggies, okay! ...
  8. Gurudev, sometimes parents don't agree on something which is correct. How should we convince them?

    You have all the tricks. When you have to go on a school trip and your parents say no, how do you gauge your father's mood and tell him, 'Oh, I don't want to go, but all my friends won't go, if I don't.' Talking in this manner, you manage to convince ...
  9. Gurudev, when I study in the class, my friends disturb me. What can I do?

    Do one thing. You disturb them even more, and then, when they are disturbed, you can sit and study. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More