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Her Lesson From Failure
My dad did a lot of good work for the village, but the Maoists didn’t think so, they thought otherwise. He was their target. One day they came and picked him up, took him to the jungle, tied him on a tree and beat him. They were going to kill him, but for ... -
The Birth of a Spiritual Mukhiya
Burudi, like most of the villages in interior Jharkhand existed between the currents of Naxalism and alcohol, the later being more distasteful as it fails to achieve anything other than self destruction, brain damage, slow death and a bad hit to olfaction ... -
The Journey from War to Peace
This is the story of and around Sushanto Singh's life, which can be briefly divided into two eras; Pre-Sudarshan Kriya and Post-Sudarshan Kriya. Era before Sudarshan Kriya: It was around the age of 30, that Sushanto realized that life in and around h ... -
His Story of Salvation
"Hello Sir, there are these people roaming around in our village, we think they are Maoists, please come soon....." This was the desperate call made to the police by the villagers. They came, four to five men in uniform, and after an inquiry too ... -
Shane Lentoor
Shane Lentoor Shane's passion is to work with youth at risk, and he currently runs a programme in Polsmoor Prison for juveniles. He is a real pillar in his community, sharing his skills and knowledge with the youth around him. His facilitation skills ... -
Farouk Davids: Working with Youth at Risk
Farouk is a pillar of guidance in his community of Mitchellsplain. He works for the City of Cape Town on many projects, concerning youth at risk. Well aware of the challenges surrounding poverty, gangsterism and drugs, in his community, he works together ... -
Vijay Watkar
I am working as a Yuvacharya since 2004, and have taken Breath-Water-Sound Courses in many villages. I wish to share an experience from a village called Wai. Purshottam Kharade belongs to this village, and his wife had a severe back pain. She could not ev ... -
Phumeza Jack Ntsimango
Phumeza has a passion for children, and has already implemented Breath-Water-Sound Course at the local school in Kalkfontein, Kraaifontein. We would like Phumeza to continue her good work in the schools in 2008, and hope that she too can become an Earth C ... -
Mandiseli Maseti
Mandiseli is so proud of his cultural values, traditions and beliefs, and has a close connection with nature and the environment. He uses theatre and performing arts to educate youth at local schools. He recently assisted a Breath-Water-Sound Course at Bo ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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