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Row over Yoga Day unfortunate, says RSS, praises Darul Uloom
New Delhi: Terming as "unfortunate" the row over International Yoga Day celebrations, RSS mouthpiece 'Organiser' on Saturday said the opposition to Yoga is an echo of "fractured mindsets" and lauded Darul Uloom for its whole-hearted support to the event. A ... -
Sun never sets on yoga
London: At 6 a.m. sharp on June 13, yoga enthusiasts in Britain will join the world in a first-ever event to prove that the ‘Sun never sets on Yoga’. Organised by The Art of Living Worldwide, thousands of participants will join other enthusiasts in 108 cit ... -
Heart to Heart With Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Spiritual leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar epitomizes human values of peace, love and compassion. A revered humanitarian who travels worldwide educating people on the benefits of meditation and yoga to gain enduring happiness, his messages inspire, enco ... -
The Art of Busting Stress: Have Faith that the Best will Happen
It's an organisation that people often turn to when life gets too much for them. Since it was started in 1981, the Art of Living Foundation has been helping an anxious and over-worked generation find peace through courses in yoga and meditation. In an excl ... -
Interview With Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is an internationally known spiritual teacher whose Art of Living programs and humanitarian efforts have affected millions of lives. I had the opportunity to interview him during his recent visit to Los Angeles. Here are excerpts from ... -
Art of Living steps up relief efforts in quake-hit Nepal
New Delhi: In an effort to reach out and provide solace to the quake- hit country, The Art of living has stepped up its relief efforts in Nepal and has mobilized its volunteer base across the globe to provide relief and rehabilitation. Volunteers across ... -
Indian groups scramble to assist quake-hit Nepal
New Delhi: Parallel to the Indian government's massive relief efforts, several religious and spiritual groups in the country are extending a helping hand to earthquake victims in Nepal. The groups, as diverse as the Arya Samaj, the Art of Living and the Ha ... -
HAL joins hands with IAHV to rejuvenate Kumudavathi river
Bengaluru: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited today said it has joined hands with International Association for Human Values (IAHV), a sister organisation of the Art of Living, to rejuvenate Kumudavathi river. Kumudavathi, a tributary of river Arkavathi origina ... -
HAL to rejuvenate Kumudavathi river
Bengaluru: HAL has joined hands with the International Association for Human Values (IAHV), a sister organisation of the Art of Living, to rejuvenate Kumudavathi river, a tributary of river Arkavathi that originates from Shivaganga hills in Neelamangala Ta ... -
20 women, 1 Catholic undergo age-old ‘thread ceremony’
Margao: In a path-breaking departure from age-old custom, the 'upanayan sanskara', or thread ceremony, was performed on 20 women in an event conducted by the Art of Living (AOL) at Margao recently. Of the 30 people in all who were initiated into the Gayatr ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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