In a celebration of the Art of Living's 35 years of service, humanity, spirituality and human values, Bhanumathi Narasimhan, director of Art of Living movement on Saturday announced that it would host a world culture festival in Delhi on March 12-13, 2016, in which around 3.5 million people from 155 countries are expected to attend the festival.
Announcing the festival Narasimhan said that the purpose and of this festival is to bring people together in a spirit of oneness, while celebrating cultural diversity.
"In an era when people wonder what to do about terrorism and violence, the festival wants to state that there are good people in the world. We should not lose heart either to terrorism, or on an individual level, to stress," said Narasimhan, who is also sister of spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Thousands of musicians and dancers are expected to perform on a stage that will be spread in around seven acres, set amid 300 acres of Delhi's Mayur Vihar, Narasimhan said. Spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will personally lead the two-day festival.
The global leadership forum will also be held under the aegis of the world culture festival. It will bring the world leaders of different fields together at one place. Among the reception committee to the forum are US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, former UN secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali and former chief justice of India RC Lahoti.
"We aim for a peaceful world and peace starts at the level of the individual before it can move towards society," said Narasimhan. "When thousands of individuals radiating positivity come together, it can make a difference to society."
Courtsey : DNA India