SSGMDA - Helping
Doctors to Serve


Location: Pan - india

Duration: 2006 - Present

“In being a part of the Sri Sri GMDA for the past six years, I have realized that people are ready to serve. They want to serve but do not have a compatible platform that lets them do so. As an individual one can take medical camps, but by coming together, they can do much more.”

– Dr. Priyadarshan, one of the founding members of Sri Sri Global Meditating Doctors Association (SSGMDA).

Started in 2006, the Sri Sri GMDA offers a common platform for people from different branches of medicine to come together and undertake service initiatives. Doctors from various schools of thought like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Unani medicine have come together under the umbrella of Sri Sri GMDA to hold a number of medical camps. They also conduct research on the effects of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation and to spread awareness about the medical benefits of spirituality among the medical fraternity.

We aspire to create an alternative voluntary based option where all the doctors would every month devote time, and travel to nearby areas for selfless service to the underprivileged section of society.

What change did we bring?

The patients are provided with general medical services, eye treatment, cardiology checkups, ENT checkups, gynecological advice and help on other related aspects. Wherever there is a need, medications are given, and the patients are referred to major hospitals for further treatment. Most patients report that they are happy and satisfied with the diagnosis.

Heroes of our service initiatives are empowered by the time-tested breathing technique, the Sudarshan Kriya. Now, learn the tool from the comfort of your home.

How does the journey look so far?

  • 20,000 slum dwellers benefited by 108 medical camps conducted in Delhi slums
  • 81 medical camps in total have been conducted by doctors in various places including Faridabad, Valia, Ankleshwar, Vadodara, Nagpur, and Tirupati
  • More than 100 patients were treated in Gauchar after the Uttarakhand floods

How did we work?

When medical camps are held consistently in a particular place over a period of time, the first step is to solve the everyday problems like cough, sinus, and other common diseases. Only then can one move on to cure more serious and chronic problems. Once the basic health is restored, doctors can then move forward to start suggesting and making lifestyle changes that promote healthy living.

What did we learn?

Far more valuable than organizing camps in a hit and run fashion is to recognize areas where people are most in need. Regular medical camps are required in such areas which becomes an ongoing process requiring constant and regular supervision.

How can you contribute?

Every individual has the right to good health. The demand for healthcare is higher than ever, and it is not possible for any one organization or company to make a difference alone.

TRAUMA RELIEF FUND Make a Difference Contribute to Art of Living Foundation’s Trauma Relief Fund and join the movement