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  1. Conflict And Innocence

    Fights can only happen among equals. When you fight with someone, you make them equal. But in reality there is no one at par with you. When you keep people either above or below you, then there is no fight. When they are above you, you respect them. When ...
  2. Problems? One More

    The first solution to the problem is not to have the problem at all. (Laughter) The second thing is to willingly accept the problem and see it as a challenge. Third, know that the problem is a boogey man, it is not real. Fourth, know that nature has provi ...
  3. Wise Are The One Who Make You Cry For The Divine

    Unfortunate are those who cry for the world. Fortunate are those who cry for the Divine. Unwise are those who make you cry for the world. Wise are those who make you cry for the Divine. The source of conflict is the division of "mine" and " ...
  4. Do You Have To Be Thankful And Feel Obliged?

    When you are on a spiritual path, you are not thankful or obliged to anybody. In the Gita, Krishna says, "He is dear to Me who neither goes on thanking people nor hates anyone (Na abhinandati na dveshthi)." Thanking and feeling obliged indicates ...
  5. Devotee Becomes God

    When a river meets the ocean, the river no longer remains a river. It becomes the ocean. A drop of the ocean is part of the ocean. In the same way, the moment a devotee meets (surrenders to) the Divine, the devotee becomes GOD. When the river meets the oc ...
  6. Steeped in Mystery Is Devotion

    One who is not amazed by the magnificence of this Creation, his eyes are not yet opened. Once your eyes are open, they close and this is called meditation. (Laughter) Tell me, what in this Creation? Is not a mystery? Birth is a mystery; death is a mystery ...
  7. Perfection is the nature of the Enlightened One

    In a state of ignorance, imperfection is natural and perfection is an effort. In a state of wisdom or enlightenment, imperfection is an effort; perfection is a compulsion and is unavoidable! Perfection is taking total responsibility, and total responsibil ...
  8. Ignorance Of Your Capability Can Expand You!

    Always know that the Divine never gives you a responsibility you cannot fulfill. Nobody ever expects you to treat them if you are not a doctor. Nobody will ask you to fix their wiring system if you are not an electrician. Your responsibility is only what ...
  9. Love Is The Shadow Of The Self

    When you love something, you have a sense of belongingness with it. You can only love something, because it is belongs to you. If it is not yours, you cannot love it. Love is the shadow of the Self. The bigger the Self, the bigger the shadow, and the bigg ...
  10. Are You A Tourist Or A Pilgrim?

    What is the difference between a tourist and a pilgrim? Both are on a journey. Whereas a tourist is satisfying the senses, a pilgrim is in the quest of the truth. A tourist gets tired and tanned, while a pilgrim sparkles with spirit. Every move a pilgrim ...