knowledge sheet

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  1. Your Five Sources of Misery

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 56 Contd. from knowledge sheet 55 " Sukha anushayi ragaha '' (II Sutra 7) sukha = pleasant experience; anushay i = attraction; ragaha = cravings. "Attraction to pleasant experience results in cravin ...
  2. Ignorance is the root cause of Suffering

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 55 Contd. from knowledge sheet 54 Ignorance is the root cause of Suffering “Tapaha-swadhya-ayaeshwara-pranidhana-kriya-yogaha”. (II Sūtra 1) This is the kriya yoga or yoga of action. Even while doing an activity, see t ...
  3. The Veils of Misery

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 53 Contd. from knowledge sheet 52 We are talking about tapas. What does tapas do? Why should we undergo tapas? It purifies and strengthens our system, strength and purity. That is the purpose of tapas. But tapas can al ...
  4. Purification through Five Types of Fire

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 50 Contd. from knowledge sheet 49 When your head is clogged with worry, tension, unpleasant thoughts and nightmares, fasting would be a great help. There is a great deal of research on fasting. Just fast on water or ju ...
  5. Five Types of Fire

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 49 Contd. from knowledge sheet 48 Fire sustains life. There are five types of fire. One is Bhutagni. Bhutagni means the fire with which you heat your home, to keep warmth in yourself. It sustains life. The physical fir ...
  6. Willingly going through that which is not easy is tapas

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 48 Contd. from knowledge sheet 47 What is Kriya Yoga? It comprises three parts. Patanjali says  tapaha. Tapas  is endurance, acceptance. Say you are traveling in a plane; it is a long-distance flight. You are sitting a ...
  7. Introduction to Kriya Yoga

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 47 Contd. from knowledge sheet 46 When somebody is anxious, they are unaware of time, of every moment passing, isn’t it? This is because the whole focus is on the event, on the happening, rather than just on the time. ...
  8. Golden Rule in Samadhi: Be Patient yet Dynamic

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 46 Contd. from knowledge sheet 45 (I Sūtra 51) “ Tasyapi nirodhe sarvanirodhannirbejaha samadhihi ’’ tasya = that; api = too; nirodhe = by suppression; sarva = all; nirodhat = due to suppression of; nirbëjaha = seedles ...
  9. Compassion is forgiving someone without them knowing it

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 45 Contd. from knowledge sheet 44 Have you heard this story from Buddha’s life? I have said it before. Buddha was in an assembly and then a gentleman came and he was very furious. He thought Buddha was doing something ...
  10. Gateway to Spiritual Awakening

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 43 Contd. from knowledge sheet 42 “Tatra shabdhartha jnana vikapaihi Sankerna savitarka samapattihi’’ Tatra = there; shabda = words; artha = meaning; jnana = ideas, knowledge; vikalpaihi = subtle modification of the se ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 70