Maha Shivratri is the day when the Shiva tattva (principle) touches the earth. The consciousness, the aura or the ethereal world that is always ten inches above the material ground touches the earth element on the day of Mahashivratri. It is the wedding of the material with the spiritual.
Any meditation we do on this day has a manifold effect, for this is the day when spirit touches the earth. If you meditate on Shivratri then the power of meditation is 100 times more. That which is always (nitya) and which is everlasting (shashwat), that is Shiva tattva.
The tattva of Shiva
Shivratri is the time to feel the oneness with Shiva. Shiva is not different from me. Shiva is not different from you. Shiva was not different from anybody. The Shiva principle is the summum bonum of creation. Just knowing this, realizing it, shifting our mode of operation from the world of diversity to the world of non-dual oneness is Shiva.
The mind dwells in duality. All the actions happen in duality. Sometimes, just dropping all that and recognizing the Shiva principle is what Shivratri is all about. If you get a glimpse of it, then life is a gift, our body is a gift, the world is a gift, your breath is a gift, and your mind is a gift. Everything is a blessing. Life is a blessing. The body is also a blessing. So, feel blessed and sing, dance and forget all about the dualities. Forget about all the small things of life, of the world. Just immersing in deep devotion is the way.
There is not a place where the Shiva principle is not there. It is the omnipresent, omnipotent, most benevolent divinity. That is what Shiva is all about, and we are soaking in that.
We forget that this power is there with us! Shivratri is to remind us that we are Shiva. That is why we say, “Shivoham, Shivoham”, which means ‘I am Shiva, I am that principle, I am the truth, eternity, beauty, and benevolence’. Shivratri is an occasion to remember this.
The Shiva principle is the summum bonum of creation. Just knowing this, realizing it, shifting our mode of operation from the world of diversity to the world of non-dual oneness is Shiva
In the daily hustle-bustle, we forget that from which we have come, in which we are and into which we go — that eternal principle is forgotten. This is the most puzzling thing! It is puzzling how we can forget that from which we have come, in which we live and into which we dissolve. How can we forget that?
Remembering that, true celebration happens in life, all the worries disappear; everything that is bothering you simply disappears, doesn’t it? And you are all so lucky to be in silence and meditation on this day. Shivaratri is when the manifest and unmanifest celebrate their union. The One which is so unmanifest, intangible and abstract manifests in the manifestation, in the concrete.
Taking refuge in Shiva

Shiva is the soul (of everything) – there is no difference between the soul and Shiva. Your true nature is Shiva, and Shiva is peace, infinity, beauty and the non-dual one. Ratri means “to take refuge”.
Shivratri is taking refuge in Shiva (the soul). It is celebrating the Shiva tatva within oneself.
Ratri, which translates as night, is that which gives you rest or peace, when everything becomes quiet and peaceful. Shivaratri is not only rest for body, but for the mind and the ego also.
When the mind, intellect and ego rest in the divine that is real rest, and the deepest rest – complete peace. This is why it is very useful for people to meditate on this day.
The synonyms of Shiva are benevolence, truth and beauty, and the three are inseparable. The night of Maha Shivratri is the celebration of nature rejoicing the presence of benevolence, truth and beauty.
Shiva is beauty, yet he is unseen. Shiva is very personal, yet he is universal. Everything what we see is Shiva, yet what we don’t see is also Shiva. It’s the night that gives you the vision of infinity.
In the night you see how many universes are there, how many stars. The glory of existence is visible in the night. Night takes you on its lap and comforts you, soothes you and it’s the same as samadhi. When you go deep in meditation, it brings relief to you. It uplifts you. That’s what Shivratri is about. Be awake inside and repose in yourself.
Shiva is that blissful and innocent consciousness that exists in every atom of the universe and also in us
Celebrating the Shiva tattva in Shivratri is taking refuge in Shiva. Shiva is peace, infinity, beauty and the non-dual one. You take refuge in Shiva for your true nature is Shiva as he is the meditative aspect of the entire universe.
Albert Einstein proved that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another. That energy, which changes from one form to another, is called Shiva. Shiva is that blissful and innocent consciousness that exists in every atom of the universe and also in us.
The greatest offering to God is yourself. To offer one’s self is the key to happiness in life. After all, why do you get sad? It is mainly because you are not able to achieve something in life. At such times you should surrender everything to the all-knowing God. The greatest power is in surrender to the divine.
It is like a drop owning the ocean. If a drop remains separate, it will perish. But when it becomes the ocean, it is eternal.
Shivam, Shantam, Advaitam: Shiva means your very Self, your innermost core, the purest Self. Shantam is quiet, peaceful, and very innocent. Advaitam is non-dual, where there is only One.
It’s said beautifully in the shloka: ”Namamishamishaan nirvana rupam, vibhumvyapakam brahma vedaswaroopam.” Shiva is the transcendental, divine peace which brings solace to all layers of existence. Resting in Shiva tattva is Shivaratri.