Tip #1 Relax & Rejuvenate to be stress free at work
While sleep regenerates cells and eases the tired body, meditation provides energy to every cell of our body while also cleansing the mind. It frees the mind of wasteful thoughts and gives clarity. You can benefit immensely from 20 minutes of meditation every day.

Tip #2 Take Short Breaks
The quantum of work we sometimes need to do at the workplace can make us slog for long hours. Since we are pressed for time, the general tendency observed in people is to continue working without taking sufficient breaks.

Tip #3 Check Your Diet Pattern
Have you observed that we often tend to ignore our health when caught in the rut of work? The three 'Whats' of a healthy diet will take you a long way in keeping you healthy and energized:

Tip #4 Schedule Your Day
Planning the day’s schedule can help you achieve targets within the defined time limits. If you are exceeding the time limit set for one task, you will know exactly when you have to cut short on casual activities. Planning every minute of the day might be a little challenging initially, but you will soon get the hang of it.
Something that can really help you plan more effectively is a quality relaxation. Meditation is one such known relaxation technique. Relaxation brings peace of mind and that can help you take better decisions, ones which are in your best interest and also of the organization.

Tip #5 Avoid Procrastinating
t some point or the other, we all end up procrastinating things. It’s fine if it happens once in a while, but if you notice yourself doing it more often than ever, you might need to address it. This is because procrastinating makes you feel low and dull and it eventually creates too much pressure as you have a pile of tasks to finish.

Tip #6 Follow Your Passion
Striking a balance between the kinds of activities you have to do and the ones you love to do can help harmonize and balance your outlook towards life and might help you look at the brighter side of situations.