Greetings from the Art of Living.
Over the last 27 years, the Art of Living has been educating people in over 146 countries on leading a happier and healthier life.
It has established over 200 educational institutions in India where learning is fun and both teachers and students look forward to coming to school. In 2006 an International Conference on Integrated Value Education was organized in collaboration with UNESCO and MHRD, Govt of India that had over 16000 participants.
Art of living has initiated with Stress Free Teaching workshops
Stress Free Teaching workshops include:
- Stress Free Teaching – 1 Hour FREE Seminar
- LIVE – Lessons In Value Education
The Art of Living is a multi-faceted, not-for-profit educational and humanitarian NGO with a presence in over 146 countries.
We are engaged in diverse initiatives aimed at uplifting humanity by bringing peace at the level of the individual, society, nation and the world as a whole.
Vyakti Vikas Kendra - India (VVKI)
The Art of Living throughout the world is a volunteered, humanitarian & Educational Non Governmental Organization. It was founded in 1981 by H.H. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, with the vision of creating a stress-free, violence-free society. Art of Living has reached out to more than 300 million people in 151 countries. The Art of Living foundation is working as a special consultative status with the Economic & Social council of the United Nation.
The Art of Living foundation operates through key worldwide chapters major ones of which are:
- Vyakti Vikas Kendra - India (VVKI)
- Art of Living foundation - USA
- Die Kunst des Lebens - Germany
- Art of Living Centre - Canada
Vyakti Vikas Kendra - India (VVKI) founded by H.H. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1996 is a registered complete charitable trust constituted to promote educational, social, developmental activities for the benefit of the public in India.
The organization runs various Art of Living courses which are designed to develop personality, eliminate mental stress, and improve the physical health of an individual irrespective of economic status, caste or religion.
Deepen the Roots...Broaden the Vision...