Svet poštuje mudrost
Vizija Gudurdeva Šri Šri Ravi Šankara o društvu oslobođenom od nasilja i stresa kroz buđenje ljudskih vrednosti je prepoznato i cenjeno u celom svetu. Gurudev je nagrađivan zbog svog doprinosa ljudskoj vrsti na polju rešavanja konflikata, promovisanja mira i isticanja ljudskih vrednosti. Nagrade i priznanja dodeljena Gurudevu slave razloge koje on zastupa, kao i filozofiju jedne svetske porodice.
Zajednice različitog nasleđa i vera su se pridružile u Gurudevovoj misiji stvaranja sveta oslobođenog od stresa i nasilja. Kada je Šri Šri primio nagradu the Culture in Balance Award, u oktobru 2009. rekao je: "Delim ovu nagradu sa svima onima koji se zlažu za društvo oslobođeno nasilja i stresa. Ova nagrada nije data osobi ili ličnosti, već prinicipu koji se zalaže za ideal sveta kao jedne porodice i kulturne različitosti."
Mnoge zemlje širom sveta su nagradile Gurudeva. Evo samo nekih:
- Indija: ‘Padma Vibhushan’, najviša godišnje civilno priznanje Indije, 26. mart 2016.
- Peru: ‘Diploma de Honor’ dodeljena od strane Nacionalnog kongresa Perua, Lima, 30. jun 2015.
- Kolumbija: najviša civilno priznanje 'Orden de la Democracia Simón Bolívar', Bogota, Kolumbija, 24. jun 2015.
- Paragvaj: 'National Order of Merito de Comuneros', najviša civilno priznanje, Paragvaj, 13. septembar 2012.
- Mongolija: Order of the Pole Star, 2006, najviša civilno priznanje, 2006.
- India: Zvanje Yoga Shiromani (Najvredniji dragulj joge) dodeljeno od strane predsednika Indije, 1986.
- Kanada: Humanitarno priznanje grada Bramptona, Ontario, 2006.
- Rusija: Priznanje "Human of the World" dodeljenje od strane Akademije nacionalne sigurnosti Rusije, 1. jul 2011.
Počasni doktorati
Gurudev je primio 16 doktorata od univerziteta širom sveta:
- India: Honorary Doctorate from Sharda University, Delhi, March 4, 2017
- Indija: Doctorate of Literature (Honoris Causa), Utkal University, Orissa, April 25, 2013
- Pragvaj: Doctorate Honoris Causa, Universidad Autonoma de Asuncion of Paraguay, September 13, 2012
- Argentina: Diploma of Honor from the Buenos Aires University, September 6, 2012
- Holandija: Honorary Doctorate, Nyenrode University, Netherlands, June 15, 2012
- Mađarska: Professor Honoris Causa, Szent Istvan University, Budapest, June 24, 2009
Pogledajte spisak svih doktorata
Počasti dodeljene od strana vlada širom sveta
- Padma Vibhushan – India’s highest annual civilian award, March 26, 2016
- 'Diploma de Honor' by the National Congress of Peru, Lima, June 30, 2015
- ‘Medalla de la Integracion en el Grado de Gran Oficial’ bestowed by The Andean parliament, Peru, June 30, 2015
- Highest civilian award, 'Orden de la Democracia Simón Bolívar', Bogota, Colombia, June 24, 2015
- Highest civilian award 'National Order of Merito de Comuneros, Paraguay, September 13, 2012
- Tiradentes Medal in Rio, the highest honor from Rio de Janeiro State, September 3, 2012
- Mongolian Prime Minister's Award, Mongolia, 2006
- Human of the World Award, (bestowed by the Academy of National Security of Russia), Russia, July 1, 2011
- Title of Yoga Shiromani (Supreme Jewel of Yoga) by the President of India, 1986
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Dani Šri Šri Ravi Šankara
Dok je nekoliko gradova u SAD i Kanadi takođe nagradilo Gurudeva proglašenjem dana kada je bio u poseti tim gradovima "Danom Šri Šri Ravi Šankara", neke zemlje su ga počastvovale nazivom "Slavni posetilac". Vašington DC je izrazio svoje poštovanje, tokom njegove posete gradu 2007. proglašenjem te nedelje kao "Nedelje ljudskih vrednosti" ('Human Values Week'). Takođe je progašen za počasnog građanina više gradova u SAD i Kanadi. Tokom njegove posete Đajpuru (Jaipur) u Indiji, 2006. godine, Gurudevu su predati simbolični ključevi grada od strane gradonačelnika Đajpura.
Ostale nagrade
- Peace Ambassador Award, World Peace and Diplomacy Organization, India, June 6, 2018
- International Leadership Award, Simon Wiesenthal Center, USA, April 17, 2018
- Bharat Gaurav Award, Sanskriti Yuva Sanstha, USA, June 9, 2017
- Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar, Maharashtra State Marathi Patrakar Sangha, India, April 19, 2017
- Dr. Nagendra Singh International Peace Award, India, November 20, 2016
- Humanitarian Award from the Municipality of Lima, Peru, June 30, 2015
- Medalla de la Integracion en el Grado de Gran Oficial, Andean Parliament, Lima, Peru, June 30, 2015
- The Asia Pacific BrandLaureate Award, Kuala Lumpur, March 29, 2015
- Gandhi, King, Ikeda Community Builders Prize, USA, April 3, 2013
- Crans Montana Forum Award, Brussels, June 24, 2011
- Culture in Balance Award, Dresden, Germany, October 10, 2009
- Dara Shikoh National Award for Harmony, New Delhi, India, 2005
- National Veterans Foundation Award, USA, 2007
Kompletan spisak nagrada
Spisak svih doktorata
- Honorary Doctorate, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India, March 4, 2017
- Honorary Doctorate, Desh Bhagat University, Punjab, India, October 21, 2013
- Doctorate of Literature (Honoris Causa), Utkal University, Orissa, India, April 25, 2013
- Honorary Doctorate, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, January 19, 2013
- Doctorate Honoris Causa, Universidad Autonoma de Asuncion of Paraguay, September 13, 2012
- Diploma of Honor, Buenos Aires University, September 6, 2012
- Honoris Causa Doctor, Siglo XXI University Campus, Cordoba, Argentina, September 5, 2012
- Honorary Doctorate, Nyenrode University, Netherlands, June 15, 2012
- Honorary Doctorate, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Rajasthan, India, 2012
- Professor Honoris Causa, Szent Istvan University, Budapest, (Hungary), June 24, 2009
- Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Bangalore University, India, 2009
- Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Nagarjuna University, India, 2008
- Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Maharaja Sayajirao University, India, 2007
- Doctor of Science, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India, 2007
- Doctor of Philosophy (Holistic Medicine), Open International University for Complementary Medicine in Sri Lanka, 2006
- Honorary Doctorate, Kuvempu University, India, 2004
Nagrade/počasti dodeljene od strane vlada širom sveta
- Padma Vibhushan – India’s highest annual civilian award, March 26, 2016
- Humanitarian Award from the Municipality of Lima, Peru, June 30, 2015
- “Medalla de la Integracion en el Grado de Gran Oficial”, Andean Parliament, Lima, Peru, June 30, 2015
- “Diploma de Honor” by the National Congress of Peru in Lima, June 30, 2015
- Certificate of Recognition from the California Legislature Assembly, USA, June 30, 2014
- 'Most Illustrious Guest Award' awarded by the Mayor of Lima, Peru, September 15, 2012
- Highest civilian award 'National Order of Merito de Comuneros, Paraguay, September 13, 2012
- Illustrious citizen by the Paraguayan Municipality, September 12, 2012
- Illustrious guest of the city of Asuncion, Paraguay, September 12, 2012
- Tiradentes Medal in Rio, the highest honor from Rio de Janeiro State, Sept. 3, 2012
- Vishwa Chetana award, India, December 19, 2011
- Human of the World Award, (bestowed by the Academy of National Security of Russia), Russia, July 1, 2011
- Phoenix Award, Atlanta, USA, 2008
- Honorary Citizenship and Goodwill Ambassador, Houston, USA, 2008
- Proclamation of Commendation, New Jersey, 2008
- Architect of World Peace Award, India, 2008
- 'Light of East' National Award, India, 2008
- Honored by United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) for his contributions towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, 2007
- Honored by the city of Washington DC by proclaiming the week of his visit as 'Human Values Week' in March 2007
- Leadership Award for Extraordinary Promotion of World Peace and Harmony by Amity University, New Delhi, 2007
- Honorary Citizenship by City of Baltimore, Canada, 2006
- Honorary Citizen of the city of Calgary, Canada, 2006
- Centennial 2006 Medallion by the Legislative Assembly of Calgary, Canada, 2006
- The Humanitarian Award by the city of Brampton, Ontario, 2006
- Order of the Pole Star, Mongolia, 2006
- Peter the Great First Grade Award, Russia, 2006
- Mongolian Prime Minister's Award, Mongolia, 2006
- Alberta Legislative Centennial 2006 Medallion, 2006
- Global Humanitarian Award, Illinois, USA, 2005
- Bharat Shiromani Award, New Delhi, India, 2004
- The Illustrious Visitors Award, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004
- Phoenix Award, USA, 2002
- Guru Mahatmya Award by Government of Maharashtra, India, 1997
- Nominated to the Advisory Board of Yale Divinity School, USA, 1990
- Title of Yoga Shiromani (Supreme Jewel of Yoga) by the President of India, 1986
Dani Šri Šri Ravi Šankara
- July 7th, 2018, Detroit, Michigan, USA
- March 20th, 2017, Austin, Texas, USA
- October 23rd, 2014, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
- April 25th, 2010, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA
- April 23rd, 2010, Milwaukee, USA
- April 20th, 2010, Denver, USA
- October 29th, 2008, Irving, Texas, USA
- July 4th-6th, 2008, Edison, New Jersey, USA
- July 29th, 2007, Pomona, California, USA
- March 28th, 2007, Washington DC, USA
- December 4th, 2006, Regina, Canada
- November 25th, 2006, Windsor, Canada
- November 21st, 2006, Surrey, Canada
- November 21st, 2006, Richmond, Canada
- September 13th, 2006, Ottawa, Canada
- September 10th, 2006, Halifax, Canada
- September 7th, 2006, Edmonton, Canada
- June 28th, 2002, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- May 9th, 2002, Beverly Hills, California, USA
- April 29th, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- January 10th, 2002, Austin, Texas, USA
- August 26th, 2000, Washington DC, USA
- June 28th, 2002, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- May 8th, 2002, Beverley Hills, California, USA
- January 10th, 2002, Austin, Texas, USA
- August 26th, 2000, Washington, USA
Nedelja ljudskih vrednosti / Dan sreće
- Day of Happiness & The Art of Living in Dallas declared in Gurudev's honor - July 3, 2015
- Day of Happiness in Tampa declared in Sri Sri's honor - June 18, 2015
- Human Values Week in Louisiana – February 23, 2007
- Human Values Week in Baltimore – March 25-March 31, 2007
- Human Values Week in Columbia – March, 2007
- Art of Living Foundation day – in Syracuse – May 7, 2004
Ostala priznanja:
- Peace Ambassador Award, World Peace and Diplomacy Organization, Bengaluru, India, June 6, 2018
- International Leadership Award, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles, USA, April 17, 2018
- Bharat Gaurav Lifetime Achievement Award, Sanksriti Yuva Sanstha, UN Headquarters, New York, USA, June 10, 2017
- Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar, Maharashtra State Marathi Patrakar Sangha, Pune, India, April 19, 2017
- Highest award for Human Values & Development by President of Guatemalan National Reserve Bank, Guatemala, December 8, 2016
- Dr. Nagendra Singh International Peace Award, New Delhi, India, November 20, 2016
- Acharya Mahapragya Ahimsa Samman, Bangalore, India, September 9, 2016
- Asia Pacific Brand Laureate Award, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 28, 2015
- Independent Charities of America Seal of Excellence, California, USA, October, 2013
- One World Family Award at the first “One World Family Days 2013” Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, September 13, 2013
- Gandhi, King, Ikeda Community Builders Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel, Morehouse College, Atlanta, USA, April 3, 2013
- Siddha Shri Award, Belgaum, Karnataka, India, December 2, 2012
- Sir M. Visvesvaraya Memorial Award, Bangalore, India, October 1, 2012
- The Sivananda World Peace award, Sivananda Foundation, South Africa, August 26, 2012
- Citizen Extraordinaire by Rotary International, Bangalore, India, March 27, 2012
- Award for peace and harmony by the Al-Mustafa University, Delhi, India, March 11, 2012
- Crans Montana Forum Award, Brussels, June 24, 2011
- Atmajyoti Award, Delhi, India, September 23, 2010
- Culture in Balance Award, Dresden, Germany, October 10, 2009
- The Ball of Peace awarded by The Peace Doves, Norway, June 13, 2009
- National Veterans Foundation Award, USA, 2007
- Sant Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize, Pune, India, January 11, 2007
- The 2006 International Peace Award by ‘For the Love of Children Society of Alberta Canada’, Canada, 2006
- Dara Shikoh National Award for Harmony, New Delhi, India, 2005
- Mahavir-Mahatma Award, India, 2005
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