Gurudev, could you please tell us the meaning of vigraha and anugraha.
Graha means holding onto something. The whole universe is moving very fast and whatever is holding this universe is called Graha.
Agraha is when you hold onto something and you insist.
Then comes Nigraha which means being in control. It is also a type of holding.
Then comes Vigraha which is holding onto something ethereal. There is something that you cannot perceive but in a special manner, you try to hold onto it. The infinite, unmanifest divinity cannot be beheld but through some special means, if you want to establish a sort of communication or connection with it, then that means or medium is called Vigraha. That medium which helps you grasp the uncomprehendable is called Vigraha.
Anugraha is that which holds you up -- grace, blessings, bliss. That which upholds you is called Anugraha.