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  1. Pre Meditation tips for experienced meditators

    Congratulations on meditating regularly for several years, or more! No doubt by now you’re very familiar with the wonderful beneficial changes that come through consistent practice. To allow your meditations to be deeper and more impactful, we present her ...
  2. Tips for experienced meditators during meditation

    Because our minds are so habituated to effort and striving, it may be difficult for many of us, even after years of practice, to simply let go. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has provided uniquely simple and profound guidance on how to free the mind from ef ...
  3. Meditation provides several mental and physical benefits

    Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I sit in my chair and close my eyes behind my sunglasses. All around me I could hear the shuffle of hundreds of feet, the shutter of hundreds of cameras, yet all I feel is an inner calm. I slowly let go of ...
  4. Perks of Being a Meditator

    Have you ever wondered about the speed of thought? You might be here one moment and somewhere else, many light years away, in the next. So, you see, your thoughts can travel faster than the speed of light! Says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, ”Wherever you ...
  5. Why Facebook? Now meditate and make better friends!

    Enjoying my day off on a lazy Saturday morning, I lay on the couch, surfing TV channels. On Animal Planet, something caught my attention and I paused. Two cute, little baby pandas lovingly cuddled and stroked each other. They played- one ran behind the ot ...
  6. Make Any Place Your Meditation Place

    Favorite Location for a meditation place It could be anything, from a room that you would like to make as your meditation room or even a nice cozy comfortable corner which you would like to call your Meditation Place. You can re-arrange the place being oc ...
  7. The Best of Both Worlds

      Iman Mutlaq, is a single mother with two sons and a very successful business women and financial adviser from Pindi (Pakistan). She earlier felt life was only about traveling, earning money and taking care of family and friends! At that time, spiritual ...
  8. The Best of Both Worlds (Part-2)

    This is continued from The Best of Both Worlds(Part-1) Q: As a women we have wear different hats- like that of a mother, a daughter, a business women, so how can meditation help women manage all these roles with ease? Iman Mutlaq: Very easily! Once we del ...
  9. Giving Prisoners a New Ray of Hope (Part-2)

    This is continued from Giving Prisoners a New Ray of Hope (Part-1) Q-According to you what kind of impact will it have if every single person in the prison meditates? Dushyant Savadia- Firstly the prisons will get emptier sooner than expected and secondly ...
  10. The Mind

    We have never taken a close look at our minds. The faculty with which we hear and see is the mind. When you listen to someone, you may continuously agree or disagree with what is being said. It is your intellect that is doing this. And you remember what i ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More