Have you noticed how a lot can happen in 24 hours? So wouldn’t morning be the best time for meditation, when it is all just beginning? Let’s have a look at some advantages of doing morning meditation

#1 Have a sorted day better than a scattered one
Imagine a gross case of a person who comes to greet you on a morning he didn’t brush his teeth? From the repelling smell you could make what he had last night. On a similar note, we might also end up sharing what we dumped in the mind last day – a fight with mom, a dish that didn't turn out well, or your senior disapproving a project you worked on day and night. But we can get over it if we meditate before we start our day.

#2 Do mundane tasks with a new enthusiasm
Haven't some of us had experiences of waking up with the first thought of a long to-do list? For that is most likely our last thought before sleep, and so it is quite likely to click first thing in the morning.
It is normal to complete all tasks before we find some leisure time at night. That might leave us too exhausted to meditate. So then isn't it a better idea then, to meditate early morning? Wouldn't you want enough energy during the day to do mundane routine work with vigor and without getting bored?

#3 Allow the peace outside to seep inside
Early morning, when the day breaks and the world at large is asleep, you normally won't have door bells ringing or phones buzzing until you are doing some critically important task at that time. A peaceful environment and a mind not clouded with the day's affairs facilitate meditation that gives deepest of rest. Even 20 minutes of spare time is enough to meditate peacefully and deeply in your veranda with a cool breeze gently stroking you.

#4 Sharpen your intuitive skills
You might ask why morning the right time is to sharpen our intuitive skills. Morning is the time when everything is in harmony. And intuitiveness is to be in harmony with nature, with an instinct that tells what's good for you and what's not. To be able to nurture this ability you need to be in harmony with nature and with yourself. Dawn or day break is the right time to practice this as your mind is more in this moment, in the now, and not racing to the past or future.