Meditation accelerates your success rate
Imagine an employee working continuously for long hours and deprived of proper rest. S/he is working on a project that needs to undergo much changes and iterations in order to make it good enough to be accepted by his/her seniors. Lack of sleep, stress, and unavoidable deadlines have increased work pressure and lowered efficiency and productivity.
What is the solution to this common problem faced by most of us?
Life is an art and success is a skill. And one of the secrets behind harnessing that skill is meditation. In the race to be successful, we are caught up with stress. Many a times, even though we work beyond the stipulated hours, we might not be able to complete our daily targets. This might be because we are over-exerting ourselves. We are not able to give our mind and body the much required rest, and that makes us restless.
Did deep rest to every cell of the body, which keeps us fresh and rejuvenated, increases our efficiency, and also helps us work better and faster. In other words, it adds an X factor to our lives, as it helps one go the extra mile to achieve what one wants.
Tip: Defining your goals clearly and seeking expert advice is one of the determining factors in accelerating one's success.

Meditation Adds Hours To Your Day
Suppose an employee working for an MNC has a very hectic day, where he has to attend important meetings, undertake a certain number of projects each month, and complete his daily targets. He just cannot avoid the deadlines set by his manager. Amid all this, he is unable to do anything that he plans for himself, keep his promise of attending his/her child's parent-teacher meets, or meet his friends. How can he find balance in life?
What can make you work faster? When you are energetic yet calm, work happens fast. Meditation boosts our energy, which makes us focused and efficient. Meditation also reduces mental chatter. That way, we are able to complete more work in less time, leaving us with sufficient time to pursue our passions, like learning how to play the guitar, read our favorite book, or tap the creative part of our brain by writing, learning to cook a new dish, or simply playing the sport of our choice over the weekend or even organizing a get-together for our friends. Isn't that what we all want—some extra free time? Even after completing their work, meditators have enough time to spend with themselves and family, allowing them to pursue their passion. What more can one ask for?
Tip: Planning one's day well and prioritizing the most important tasks towards the start of the day can help us complete all our tasks efficiently, leaving enough time for ourselves.

Meditation Makes Us Healthier
There is this person, for instance, whose job involves a lot of travelling. But s/he is unable to adapt to changing weather, climate, food, water, and living conditions, which make him/her fall ill frequently. This is just an extra burden for frequent travelers and those who are away from home often. What can these people do to continue with their job and also keep healthy?
We spend half our health gaining wealth, and then spend half our wealth gaining back the lost health! That isn't smart. In the race of gaining wealth, we forget what we are ultimately looking for in life—happiness. Psychologists say that most of the diseases are psychosomatic ("psycho" means mind and "soma" means body). It means that diseases first begin as emotional and mental stresses and later manifest as illnesses. That's how our mind greatly affects our body, and a stressful mind is the reason for a diseased body. Meditation is an easy and effective way to release the stress stored in different parts of the body. One of the immediate and quick benefits of meditation is that it increases skin resistance and boosts our immune system, making us strong. So we need not worry about changing weather.
Tip: Eating fresh fruits and vegetable builds a strong immune system. It is good to avoid stale food as it takes a lot of energy to digest. Doctors suggest that drinking warm water helps avoid catching a cold during changing seasons. Also, most importantly, be positive.

Meditation Gives Us a Richer Lifestyle
Have you experienced the fear of giving presentations in a corporate setup, thinking people might laugh at you on your slip-up? Or are you afraid of taking responsibilities because you fear not being able to fulfill them? Is there a way out?
Meditation helps us grow in all aspects of life. It helps us give our 100% to whatever we do, thus leaving us with a feeling of satisfaction and also yielding positive results. It invigorates us to face our daily challenges with confidence, making us sharper and smarter. It helps us connect with people better. Life becomes richer with meditation. So, let's start using this iPod of Inner Peace and Outer Dynamism to live life to its fullest potential.
Tip: Don't let success go to your head. Another aspect of a richer life is spending quality time with your kids, spouse, and parents.