Favorite Location for a meditation place
It could be anything, from a room that you would like to make as your meditation room or even a nice cozy comfortable corner which you would like to call your Meditation Place. You can re-arrange the place being occupied by things you do not require as a part of your meditation place. Make sure to choose a place which invites a lot of fresh air. A well ventilated room will allow you to have a deeper experience.

Decorate the way you like
Did you know, the cleaner the environment around you, the deeper the meditation is and the more relaxed your mind gets. So it’s a good idea to keep the place clean and clutter-free. You could also be creative and decorate the place, the way you like for instance by adding some beautiful curtains, placing some artificial plants or even putting up a poster or a painting on the wall which portrays nice scenery to give a similar effect of being close to nature.

Keep a Mat and Cushions for Comfort
It is advised to avoid meditating directly on the floor. You can add a mat and a few cushions. This will also make the place more comfortable. In case you find it difficult to sit down on the mat, you may also choose a chair with proper backrest so that you are comfortable while meditating

Light Up as You Like
Your sheer curtains will ensure that enough sunlight enters the room during the day. But if you also meditate in the evening, you may choose the lighting for the room as you please. For some, dim lights work better, while some like it bright.

Hmm ... smells nice
If you would like your room to smell nice throughout, you may choose from a variety of fragrances as per your choice. Whether it is aromatic incense sticks or essence oils, the choice is yours. Also, you may decide to either keep the fragrance on while you meditate, if you like it that way, or just light it up for some time before you sit to meditate (in case you feel bothered by the smoke or smell).

Your meditation Place is ready!
Disclaimer: It’s is not essential to have a meditation place all the time. You can meditate anywhere – your house, your office or even while travelling.