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Is it still necessary today to follow a Guru?
Why this question? Asking this question you put yourself into a trap. When I give you an answer and you take it, that means you are already following! If I say, 'No, no need to follow', and you say, 'Okay, I won't follow', then you have followed. ... -
Please comment on this. I see so many people who are very close to you. I feel that I am not special. How do I feel the personal connection with you? I feel it is necessary to have personal connection in order to be 100% on the path.
Certain things you should assume, and this is one of the things that you should assume – we have a personal connection; that is it, full stop. Now, don’t question it another time. No point in questioning your connection. We are all connected. There i ... -
As Buddha attained enlightenment he must have experienced what other masters experienced, yet he never spoke about God. Because of this some people even say that he was an atheist. Can you talk about this?
Well, in Buddha’s time there were many concepts of God. Many people had read all the Upanishad. You should remember all of Buddha’s followers were high intellectuals in contrast to the followers of Jesus; they were all fishermen; simple ... -
If someone, whom you know loves and cares for you, doesn’t show it to you anymore, how do you still believe that they do and not get angry with them?
Give them some time, let them take a break and recharge them self to show you their care back again. People do need a little bit of recharging again and again. You have drawn all that love and attention from them and it needs a little more time to get ... -
Dearest Guruji, I am not interested in spirituality or attaining enlightenment. I am only interested in you! How can I attain you?
You are saying the same thing in a different manner that is all. I am spirituality and you can’t separate spirituality or enlightenment from me. That is impossible. In the ancient texts it’s called Dravya Guna Sambandha, the relation bet ... -
Gurudev, we have heard that there are some enlightened beings present in this world to help people, just like you help us. But they prefer to stay away from people. Are such people present today as well?
There could be some people like that, some sadhaks who keep doing sadhana. And some feel, ‘why should I get caught up, what is the need ’, they think like that. There are all kinds of people in the world. There aren’t just one or two great people in t ... -
Close to the master
If you're not feeling close to the Guru, it's because of you. Because of your mind, because of your ego concepts. Share with the Guru that which is very important or intimate to you. Share that. Do not feel shame, shy, or judgmental about yourse ... -
Master is a doorway
Master is a doorway. And the doorway needs to be more charming than the world so that you will come to the doorway. Someone is in the street and there is rain, thunder, hot sun; they need shelter. They look around, they find a doorway. They come to the do ... -
The love of the ignorant and the anger of the enlightened
The love of the ignorant can be harmful yet even the anger of the Enlightened is not harmful. It can be only good! An example is the school at the Art of Living Ashram in Bangalore. 250 children are enrolled but only 200 come to class on any given day. Fi ... -
Today is a gift from God-- that is why it is called "present!" DON'T BE GRATEFUL!
Warning! Watch out! This Knowledge Sheet contains explosives! It can explode your head or your heart. If it explodes your heart-- nothing is left! If it explodes your head-- everything is attained! Guruji: How many of you are grateful here? (Everybody rai ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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