Flood Victims Relief Seva
The spirit of volunteerism is truly alive in the hearts of Mauritians. The tragic events due to the floods of 30.03.13 have touched our hearts and under the VOLUNTEERS FOR A BETTER MAURITIUS (VFABM) of The Art of Living Foundation (Mauritius), many joined in the national wave of belongingness.
A group of AOL volunteers got together at the Municipality of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill to be part of the relief efforts in terms of food and other vital items. Another group of AOL youths cleaned and restored the house of an 80 year old lady who had almost lost all her belongings. Another group went to the Canal Dayot & Pailles area and took the initiative of asking around in the neighbourhood and offered help where needed.
The need of the hour is moral and emotional support as well. Under the instructions of Guruji, Breath Water Sound workshops are being organised in the locality to bring support to the victims of the flood.