With Happiness Course, the answer to stress is right under your nose.
Have you ever been told to breathe in while counting from one to ten? You may have been given this advice to calm down from stress, and noticed that it worked. Did you know that it is possible to keep the same sense of calm from day to day? The key to achieving greater happiness isn’t very far. In fact, an Art of Living Course instructor would tell you it is right under your nose. Literally. It’s all in something as simple as the breath.
So, why the breath?
So why is the breath so important in dealing with stress? With ever greater demands on our time, one needs more energy to handle the stress of daily life. Confidence, inner peace, enthusiasm and a smile - these qualities shine through naturally when the body is full of energy and vitality. Learning the breathing techniques taught in the Happiness Course allows us to dissolve stress and negative emotions, calm the mind, and uplift our energy.
Many have found more ease in relationships and in decision-making, thanks to clearer thinking and a more peaceful, understanding mind. Participants have found they have greater self-esteem, and even feel much younger than their years! So if you’re looking for the secret to happiness, why not join an Art of Living workshop near you? Start learning to be happy – by having a stress-free mind.
All this is achieved by attending the course and doing simple and fun exercises, also by doing easy practices at home.
- Technique
- Benefits
- Testimonials
- Yoga stretches that move naturally with the body meditations
- The Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful breathing technique
- Practical Knowledge discussions, designed to make life feel like playing a game
Rediscover Yoga
Yoga is often considered as just the physical exercises,but this is just a beginning - physical exercise is just one part of it. Next comes the breath and the mind. Tapping the inner source of energy through meditation Yoga is never complete. Sudarshan Kriya, a technique taught in the Art of Living program, takes you to the deepest meditation where body, mind and breath become one rhythm, connecting to the source of life within.
"The secret lies in our own breath. Through breathing exercises, certain breathing techniques and some practice of meditation, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us."
- Reduced stress
- Greater sense of happiness and enthusiasm
- More confidence
- More ease in interpersonal skills
- Anti-aging and rejuvenation effects
"We came to breathe and we experienced the breath of our souls."
Rabbi, Jerusalem"I had an unforgettable experience during the Sudharshan Kriya. I just wanted the experience to go on and on.It’s a journey to love. That beautiful experience will stay with me forever. With regular practice of this unique breathing technique, I have been in a constant state of peace, joy and love.
Katherine Tan, Housewife and Entrepreneur“The Art of Living program gives me back the peace that I had lost. Earlier, everything seemed scattered and felt like a burden. Now, stability, joy and easiness have come together with peace.”
Zoran Radovic, Professor, Montenegro