Initiative to save desi cows in Maharashtra

Heritage  70 desi cows are sheltered in goshala in Aagar

Sanjivani Warkade

Aagar,Akola: A Goshala (cow shed) has been established and started in Aagar village by a group of volunteers. This is not only saving the lives of these cows, but is helping in preparing organic pesticides, fertilizers and compost solutions to save crops from insects and other diseases.

This cow shed is running for past four years. Number of cows has increased from 5 to 70, says Kishor Kholeji ( YLTP yuvachraya). He got inspired to establish this goshala, because of dissemination of hybrid cows, the number of desi cows went down. People didn’t want to buy these cows even for free. These cows were sold to slaughter houses. This cowshed is keeping all the cows that were earlier sold to be killed Today villagers bring their cows here instead of sending them to slaughterhouses.

The cow shed was established with the support and help of the villagers.  Vitthal S. Chikate, caretaker of cows, says he is happy working here and is paid well. He has been there since the goshala was established and he has seen it growing from five to 70 cows.  

He collects the cow urine and dung to refine and prepare fertilizers and organic pesticides. Its compost solution is used to save crops from insects.

Similarly, more goshalas have been started in Bhusawal and Pune. The plan to develop one center that will be a shelter for desi cows and where organic farming will also be taught.


Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More