Upcoming Events
Free Mini - Workshops
Introductory sessions
Come find out all you wanted to know about happiness and how to get there.
Come find out all you wanted to know about happiness and how to get there.
<%= row.title %> | <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %> <% } %> | <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> | <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Reservar mi lugar <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Reservar mi lugar <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> |
<%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> | <% } %>||
<%= k %> | <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %><%= k %> | <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>
<%= row.title %> | <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %> <% } %> | <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> | <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Reservar mi lugar <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Reservar mi lugar <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> |
<%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> | <% } %>||
<%= k %> | <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %><%= k %> | <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>
<%= row.title %> | <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %> <% } %> | <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> | <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Reservar mi lugar <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Reservar mi lugar <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> |
<%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> | <% } %>||
<%= k %> | <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %><%= k %> | <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>
<%= row.title %> | <% var recur_check = ""; if ( row.recur_event_display ){ recur_check = checkForDayNames(row, "recur_date"); if(recur_check == ""){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.recur_event_display, "true"); } } else { if ( row.formatted_date ){ recur_check = getMonthNames(row.formatted_date); } } if(recur_check == ""){ if(row.iso_start_date){ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.iso_start_date, row.iso_end_date); }else{ recur_check = getCourseDay(row.start_date, row.end_date); } row.formatted_date = recur_check; } %> <%= recur_check %> <% if ( row.recur_event_display ){ %> <% if ( row.weekend_timings && row.weekend_timings != "NULL" ){ %> <%= row.weekend_timings %> <% } else if ( row.weekday_timings && row.weekday_timings !="NULL" ) { %> <%= row.weekday_timings %> <% } %> <% } %> | <% if ( hide_address_online != 1 ){ %> <%= row.address %> <% } %> | <% if (row.register_url == "" && row.course_fee == 0 && row.early_course_fee == 0 && row.recur_event_display == "") { if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; %> Reservar mi lugar <% } }else if(Drupal.settings.aol.country == "in"){ %> <% var sub_url = ""; var reg_url = ""; var reg_title = "Interested"; if(row.sao_id && row.register_url == ""){ if (row.sao_type == 0) { sub_url = "india-course-registration"; }else if (row.sao_type == 1) { sub_url = "india-event-registration"; } } if (row.register_url != "" && row.register_url.indexOf("sendemailtoteacher") != -1) { sub_url = "india-registration"; reg_title = "Register Now"; } if(row.register_url.indexOf("www.") != -1 && row.register_url.indexOf("artofliving") == -1){ if(sub_url){ reg_url = sub_url+"/"+row.sao_id; }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Register Now"; } }else{ reg_url = row.register_url; reg_title = "Interested"; } if(reg_url){ %> <%= reg_title %> <% } } else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if (row.sao_type == 1) { %> <% if (row.info_for_group_required == 1 && (row.max_tickets != 0 || row.max_tickets != 1)) { %> <% if(row.is_paid == true && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else if(row.max_tickets > 1 && row.info_for_group_required == 1 && row.register_url){ %> Register Now <% }else { %> <% if(rsvp_nid){ var save_seat_url = "../webform-ajax/"+rsvp_nid+"?course_nid="+row.id; } %> Reservar mi lugar <% } %> <% }else if (row.course_fee != 0) { %> Register Now <% } %> <% }else if (row.register_url) { %> <% if(row.ctype == "762239" || row.ctype == "55116"){%> <% if(typeof row.register_title != "undefined" && row.register_title != ""){ %><%= row.register_title %><% } else{ %>Register Now<% } %> <% }else{ %> Register Now <%}%> <% } %> <% } %> |
<%= DaysOfWeek[i] %> | <% } %>||
<%= k %> | <% k++; } } var chk = new Date(); var chkY = chk.getFullYear(); var chkM = chk.getMonth(); current_date_course = ""; course_date_class = ""; var active_class = ""; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ current_date_course = JSON.stringify(all_course_dates[i]); course_date_class = "course_available"; } if (chkY == get_year && chkM == get_month && i == chk.getDate()) { var today = i; if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined") set_course_date = i; if(course_date_class !== "") active_class = "active"; %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } else { if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined" && set_course_date == ""){ set_course_date = i; if((typeof all_course_dates[chk.getDate()] == "undefined" && get_month == current_month) || get_month != current_month) active_class = "active"; } %><%= i %> <% if(typeof all_course_dates[i] !== "undefined"){ %> <% } %> | <% } if ( dow == 6 ) { %><%= k %> | <% k++; } } i++; }while(i <= lastDateOfMonth); %>