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  1. Willingness to serve when joy arises should be the wish

        Gurudev pulls out questions from the question basket. Reads them one by one, smiles and puts the paper by his side. A child comes forward to put a no.1 sticker on Gurudev's hands. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Another year is passing by, has passed. Le ...
  2. ‘Your body belongs to this world & the world will take care of it, You belong to the Divine & the Divine will take care of you’

    Bangalore Ashram, Dec. 9, 2009: One who is inert has no needs and no responsibilities. Also one who is completely enlightened has no needs and responsibilities. In between these two, everyone has some needs and some responsibilities.How do you fulfill your ...
  3. ‘Unless you know the principle of the universe, you cannot know the Self’

    Bangalore ashram, Dec. 8, 2009:Today’s satsang was a beautiful glimpse into the secrets of the universe which is beginning-less and endless.It began by celebrating Acharya Ratnanda’s (Guruji’s father) 86th birthday. He spoke a few words filled with love an ...
  4. Wise ones celebrate diversity, fools fight over it

    Melbourne, December 4, 2009:Below are excerpts of an interaction between Gurudev and youth from AustraliaH.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is an ancient saying: the first sign of intelligence is not to open your mouth! Having lost that opportunity, t ...
  5. “The world has witnessed so much chaos, now let’s focus on one conductor – GOD. Focus on one aspect, but play your instrument”

    Excerpts from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s opening address at the Parliament of World Religions 2009 at Melbourne, Australia on December 3, 2009 The purpose of religion is to bring enlightenment to the individual, and happiness in society, and to move fr ...
  6. ‘Meditation will help you to go ahead in spite of failures’

    H.H. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inaugurated the MILK (Meditation and Inspiration Center for Living and Kindness) at the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India on November 26, 2009. Later, students had an interactive session with Gurudev.Foll ...
  7. ‘Do something useful to everybody & if you do that, then everything else is taken care of’

    : The Mahasatsang had the characteristic elements of an Art of Living celebration: Gaan (music), Gyaan (knowledge) and Dhyaan (meditation). A team of highly talented musicians played a series of fusion pieces integrating Western rock and Indian classical m ...
  8. ‘For harmonious sustainable growth of a society, all different sections of society will have to work in rhythm, in harmony’

    (H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s addressed an august gathering on November 18, 2009 on the occasion of the Minister-President of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, (Germany) Mr. Gunther H Oettinger visiting the Art of Living International Center, Bangalor ...
  9. ‘Satsang, meditation and pranayama is the best gift to you’

    , 2009:The second day of the advanced meditation program in Kannada saw songs of deep meaning being sung in satsang.One participant had composed a song based on the wisdom from the previous day. The song was a declaration of the beautiful, ‘I don’t know’ a ...
  10. ‘Only through meditation can true knowledge dawn within you’

    , 2009:A Special advance course with 730 participants from all over Karnataka were in Satsang with a few hundred yuvacharyas (youth leaders) from rural Maharashtra and 280 Sri-Sri-yoga-teachers-to-be. Kannada and Hindi were the prevailing languages that we ...