Do you go to bed every night with a wish of opening your eyes to a beautiful day next morning? But since it’s OUR day, why wait for something to happen out of the blue? Why not make it beautiful ourselves? Here are four simple tips to making that happen.

Do some random acts of kindness
...and it will guarantee a bigger one on yours. Stepping out of your comfort zone might be a little uncomfortable at first, but it is really worth it. How about helping an elderly cross the road. Just small deeds of kindness sometimes can have a huge impact.
You can share only that which you have. You can only share happiness, if you are happy yourself. And an effortless way to make happiness your nature is through meditation. When you meditate, you naturally feel calm and happy and when you share happiness, it only multiplies.

Spend some time with nature
Have you experienced the beauty of walking barefoot on grass? Or maybe let a flower rub against your cheeks? Or let your ears soak in the sound of the chirping birds or simply heard the cool breeze blow?
But give this a thought – birds chirp all the time and breeze blows all day, and yet even when you are physically present, do you notice these simple pleasures every day? Clearly, your mind was elsewhere.
When you are meditating, you are aware of what’s happening around you. With an expanded awareness, you are better able to enjoy the beauty of your day.

Feel grateful for what you have
Have you noticed how much time we spend sobbing over things we don’t have instead of rejoicing over what we have? But if we simply start focusing on so much that we have, it only makes us happy.
When we meditate we are easily able to shift our focus from lack to abundance. You will feel contended with what you have and stop missing what you don’t. Always remember life hasn’t stopped just because you did not have something you desired, has it?

Laugh out Loud
Happiness is viral. Don’t you naturally feel happy in the company of happy people? Giving your face muscles a workout with a laugh isn’t a bad idea at all. So, when you can choose between smiling and frowning at a situation, chose the latter and add youthfulness to your day.