What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Is God Unfair?

    Bangalore, India  Gurudev, Guru Gobind Singh was a warrior. Can a saint also be a warrior? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Absolutely! Saints used to be warriors. Vishwamitra, Parshuram, etc. There are so many Rishis in Shrimad Bhagvatam who were warriors. Guru Gobi ...
  2. The Eternal Message

    Bangalore, India (Photo credit: RayMorris1 / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND) Gurudev, if your perception is your reality, then what is truth? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What is the truth, is a very individual journey. Nobody can even answer this question. If anyone an ...
  3. Is Life Predestined Or Do We Have Free Will?

    Bangalore, IndiaWhat is the part played by destiny in our coming here and meeting you, and what is the role played by pure chance? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Life is a combination of both (destiny and chance). There is a little role played by our destiny, and a ...
  4. What Is The Purpose Of Life?

    Bad Antogast, Germany What is the purpose of life? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you feel that everything is going to stay here, but I am going to die one day, and everything appears meaningless, what you do appears to be meaningless, at this time I would lik ...
  5. When The Going Gets Tough

    Bad Antogast, GermanyGurudev, it is said that wisdom is to have a smile on your face even in bad times. Should I put on a fake smile? I don't feel very good when I do this. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a proverb in America which says, ‘Fake it till you m ...
  6. You Are Being Taken Care Of

    Bad Antogast, GermanyHow can I fully accept and commit to my profession when I feel spending my life doing seva (service). Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You can balance between seva (service) and your personal and professional life. You can do both. At one point i ...
  7. Have Confidence In Yourself

    Bad Antogast, Germany (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible) Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I want to tell you a story. A white cat put a label on its head that said, ‘I am a black cat’, as it kept moving around. Any amount of anyone telli ...
  8. The Decorations For Celebrating Life

    Bad Antogast, Germany Often people who are celebrating cannot appreciate silence. And those who enjoy silence don't celebrate. They don't look that joyful and celebrative. People who are in silence are very morose and melancholic. But our specialty is, we ...
  9. Freedom From The Mind

    Bad Antogast, Germany   Today I got the information from India, 5,000 prisoners completed the course. The newspaper carried a full page article about it; people's experiences.   Art of Living is so heterogeneous. Everyone is so different, at the same time, ...
  10. Moving Through Chaos With A Smile

    Boone, North CarolinaRead Celebrating Silence and Celebrating Love.You must keep reading knowledge. Those who have not heard Ashtavakra Gita, you must hear it. It will make you emotionally and spiritually strong.If you’ve heard Ashtavakra Gita and taken on ...