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Gurudev, is it important to meditate? Do all the people who meditate become successful?
Absolutely important to meditate! When you meditate, you have a healthy body and mind, your intellect becomes sharp and memory becomes very strong. India’s meditation has been taken up by so many universities abroad - Stanford, Oxford, Har ... -
Gurudev, how to keep the spine erect during meditation?
Make a start with the spine being erect, then if the head comes down, the back bends, don’t bother about it. You cannot start meditation in a sleeping posture, because then you will be snoring very soon. So sit down, and start with the spine erect ... -
Dear Gurudev, what is the significance of different shlokas that you sing after meditation?
It feels good, isn’t it that is the purpose. Infusing a little energy, and those seeds of wisdom uplift the consciousness because your consciousness knows this at a deeper level. Somewhere in our depth, we understand these chants, and in some unkn ... -
I experience some pain in the body after coming out of meditation. What can I do? Please advise.
Well, you need not worry much about this. Experiences keep changing all the time. Every time you meditate, what happens is that the structure of the brain changes. The grey matter in the brain increases when you meditate. A lot of good things happen whe ... -
Do meditations have effect on the global events? I am concerned about the situation is Kashmir. What can I do to bring peace there?
Definitely it has an impact. Meditate and have an intention to bring peace there. If a butterfly can flutter its wings in South America and have an impact on the weather in China, you think your thoughts and prayers have no impact? C'mon, wake up! You a ... -
Meditation is often called 'Turiya avastha', where wakefulness and rest exist simultaneously. If this state is so efficient, then is it possible to stay in this state for longer period of time and not just during the 20 minutes of meditation?
You know, you take shower only for ten minutes, but the freshness stays with you the whole day. Meditation is like that. If not the whole day, it stays for at least half a day, till you take the shower again. ... -
Gurudev, what is your opinion on meditation being rebranded as mindfulness,, which means that people will not really know the roots of meditation?
This is because of some prejudice still prevalent in some circles. When we started teaching meditation 35 years ago, many thought that it was not for the so-called ‘normal’ people. This is because we all lived in our own little isolated conc ... -
If you could introduce meditation and these practices in the business world, what impact do you think it would have globally and nationally?
It will help people handle stress. You know, businessmen need intuition. They need to know where to invest. Such decisions depend totally on intuitive knowledge. Meditation improves your intuitive ability. It enables you to endure tough times and it mak ... -
Can you explain, what is the difference between meditation and having a short nap?
In meditation there is a gentle awareness, that “I am”. In a nap you’re totally off, you don’t know where you are. In meditation, the body is relaxed, mind is somewhat alert and this is more powerful than power nap -- in the sens ... -
All the Art of Living teachers say- don't do anything while meditating. Why it is so difficult to ‘not to do anything’?
Where is it difficult? It is not difficult here. Somewhere else it might appear to be difficult. You sit here and see how I guide you all through meditation. Meditation is happening. ...